|1| Expelled

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Chapter One: Expelled

"You got expelled!" Rea's father screamed at her as soon as the car door shut. It was nine o'clock, barely fifteen minutes into the school day and Rea had been expelled. Technically,it wasn't her fault. She only punched them because they were bullying some first year. "You, child, are reckless. I can't deal with you any more."

"Sorry dad."

"You will be." Her father parked the car in front of the house and gave a pointed look towards his daughter, essentially telling her that if she said a word that was out of place, her head will be in on a pike, "Inside. now."

Hurrying herself inside, Rea went into the dining room to hear the lecture about behaving in school that she has received three times so far this year. It is May. After leaving his daughter for about five minutes, Rea's dad, Anthony, came in with the landline in hand.

"I can't have you getting kicked out of school after school."

"They deserved it," Rea snapped back, getting more and more annoyed by the minute. Crossing her arms, Rea let her father continue.

"What happened to my sweet little girl? The one who couldn't hurt a fly, let alone punch a jock in the face. Rea, what happened?"

"Nothing, nothing happened!"

"Rea! Stop it!"

Rea always had issues controlling her emotions but today, today she saw red. Her body began shaking as her father's words played over and over in her head. Standing up she gave a small cry as she forcefully tried to get her father away from her.

She gave a strangled cry, "Get- get out!" Her vocal chords restricted her speech as her body temperature grew higher and higher, "Get out now!"


"Now!" She growled as her father darted out of the room, fearful that he would end up on the receiving end of her fist. But her punches did not come as the agony of fur ripping through her skin came.

Rea felt like she was being burnt alive as she transformed into a wolf for the first time.


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