|18| Williamson

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Chapter Eighteen: Williamson

It took two more days of bed-rest before Rea Uley was allowed out of her room (excluding her right to pee and shower) and then another week on top of that to be let back into school.

She had enjoyed her few days with Seth practically alone as Sam had let his younger sister's imprint to stay until the night before they went back to school. The only time they were interrupted was when Sam called her from work.

He hated leaving Rea alone with some boy but he also knew that he never hurt her with intent. Although that didn't stop the pack's Alpha from yelling at the kid for a while. But he stopped when he realised that Seth was just that: a kid.

Going back to school was torture for the two of them. The classes thy had apart were tedious although Rea did enjoy her AP art class of which she shared with Kim.

"So you almost died because you didn't see you magical wolfie soulmate?" She asked as soon as she saw Rea, missing her art buddy.

"Yeah, Sam wasn't impressed but what can he do? I've got the excuse of-"

"Excuse of what Miss Uley? Please do enlighten the whole class!" Mr Williamson snapped at Rea at the front of the room. He had always had it out for Rea since her first lesson in his class. He always found one way to get under her skin wether it be comparing her to the "talent of a snail" or threatening to remove her from the AP class although he hadn't followed through on that particular threat yet.

    "Excuse for you to leave me to my conversation," Rea snapped, not in the mood to be bothered by the ageing man, "now I am gonna go back to talking to Miss Lowes here, Mr Williamson."

    "How dare you, you insolent child!"

    Rea, especially after not shifting for two weeks from her 'illness,' had her anger slightly uncontrolled. The thoughts of ripping the grey art teacher to shreds, seeing tiny chunks of Mr Williamson splattered on the wall seemed appealing to Rea.

    Kim leant across slowly, gently grabbing Rea's arm, "Hey, Rea. Let's take it down a notch," she said as her friends removed herself out of Kim's grasp and stormed out of the room. "Sorry, Sir. But I need to calm her down, before she takes it out on a window... or a wall... or a door. I'll see you in detention then?"

    "Tomorrow. Three o'clock. Please makes sure Miss Uley is there."

    Gathering her's and Rea's school supplies, Kimberly Lowes did what went her 4.0 GPA behaviour as she darted out of her classroom, deciding to skive the rest of the day off.

    On her way to her bicycle, Kim went into the P.E department, looking for a certain young shifter but bumping into her imprint instead.

    She called him from across the hall, "Jared. Come here! It's important!"

    "Hey, Kimmy! Are you hurt? Are the pack okay? How's Riri?"

    "Are you in detention tomorrow?"

   "Yeah...? Why?" Jared asked confused. He was in detention most days, with the pack mostly for their outbursts.

    "Save me and Rea a seat. Where is Seth?" She cocks her head around Jared looking for the younger boy in the gymnasium. She spotted him in the far corner, "Seth! Over here!"

    Sure enough, the Clearwater boy heard and came sprinting over to where the human and the werewolf were. Sweat was dripping from him, making her inwardly cringe.

    "Cleanup on aisle Rea. At Sam's house."

    Seth ran straight out of the building, playing knight in shining armour to Rea. Jared sighed, trying to figure out another excuse for the lad's disappearing act.

    "I better get back to Sam's as well. See you later." Kim parted ways with her boyfriend, not before stealing a quick kiss from him.

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