|5| Light noise, soft buzz

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Chapter Five: Light noise, soft buzz

The rain was a light drizzle in La Push that day, however with her luck, Rea caught the heaviest part of the down pour as she walked down the backstreets soaking her through as she walked over to the Clearwater home to see Leah. The last time she saw the older girl was a few days before her father had shown up and taken her back to Manchester with him.

Rea and the eldest Clearwater child had always been close growing up as Harry and Sue raised the Uley kids after they found out what their mother had been doing to them. Rea was being patched up in their kitchen by Sue practically every other day with Sam in their as often. Rea, being his age and all, grew very close with Seth over this time as well, it broke her heart when she couldn't say goodbye to them both.

Banging on the door thrice, Rea continue to wait in the downpour, rolling beck onto her heels every few seconds. The keys rattled in the old door before it opened to reveal the aged face of Rea's second mother, "Hey Sue."

"Well I'll be damned, looks who's finally come home." Sue exclaimed, pulling the young girl into a motherly hug, "We're about to have dinner, your seat is still at the table."

"I couldn't intrude," Rea said meekly before her mind wondered back to the countless memories of Sue's cooking, "But I suppose I can join you."

"Good because I've made steak and kidney pie." Sue opened the door further to allow Rea access to her home. Sue chatted to her as they walked through to the dinner table where Rea had grabbed an extra set of cutlery and a plate for herself and sat in her usual spot at the table. "Harry, kids! Dinner!"

The other Clearwater's came barging into the room as soon as food was mentioned. Unlike Sue, they had not recognised Rea instantly, which the young girl found amusing but she was a little hurt by. Quickly tucking into their food, Rea deciding to have some fun, "Hey Leah? Can you pass me the salt please?"

"Sure," came the girls response, muffled by the food in her mouth as she passed the shaker to her left only then properly looking at the person who has been sitting next to her for the last five minutes, "My God. What are you doing here? I thought you were in England. I have so much to tell you."

"I know, Sam told me everything. Not just you though, he told me about what Seth has been up too as well."

Seth had finally looked up at his name being said to see Rea there chatting with his sister. The cutlery fell out of his hand as he absorbed her beauty with the way the dull light hit her face. All the forces, even gravity shifted to point towards Rea. There wasn't a thing worth living more that her. Everything was about her.

The clatter of metal hitting china brought Rea's gaze from Leah to Seth. It was surreal for her, everything was silent. The only noise she could her was Seth's hearts slow drum and her own beat lining up with his creating a soft buzz, two morphed into one; imprinting.

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