|27| And we begin

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: And we begin

The newborn vampires didn't see the pack hidden behind Fork's rocky terrain. It was a miracle their heightened senses didn't seem to notice the werewolves' stench. Maybe that vampire was right when he said Bella's blood would mask their stench to the ravenous baby vamps. Everyone was in position, including Rea who guarded the mind-reader and his human mate.

    Rea was furious.

    Sam had told her that she couldn't fight, opting to have her on look out, high in the mountains: away from the action.  The pack mostly agreed with Rea, saying that her training was enough for her to fight.

    Edward Cullen delved into the young shifter's mind, using the link between the wolves to stay updated and to stop Bella's seemingly endless questions.

    It was silent when the first branch broke. Victoria and her play thing had arrived. Sending a wolfish nod to Edward, Ra vanished into the trees to try and catch the redhead off guard.

    "Riley," Cullen spoke to the red-eyed boy. Human drinker. Edward raised his hand, showing temporary surrender, keeping Bella behind him, "you don't have to do this. Victoria, she's using you."

    "She loves me." Riley spat.

    "I've read her mind, she doesn't love you. She's using you to avenge her real mate James. Because we killed him."

    The trees rustled again, now to let Victoria escape its branchy prison. She looked irately at Edward and Bella. Her smile venomous.

    She went to move forward but Riley put his hand forward, calculating everyone's next movements. Still, Victoria stood her ground.

    "They're lying to you. It's you and only you."

    "Think about it," Edward interjected, "A local boy, knows the area. Wants something more from life. You're just a pawn in her vicious little game."

    The revelation was too much for the kid. He lunged forward towards Bella; Rea acted on instinct.  With all the power she could muster, Rea dived towards Riley. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, each pump of blood making itself known as she bounded forward.

    Her paws thumped against the ground as she neared him, growling as she aimed her first attack, taking a chunk out of his arm. However, the vampire bellowed as he flung her backwards into the trees and darted towards her to harm her more. As Rea hit the tree, the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth; she didn't know that it wasn't the worst of it, not yet.

Hitting her head again, Riley tried to disable to girl from the fight, wanting to go after Victoria but he only succeeded in making her angrier. Her breathing becoming uneasy as she stalked forward, growling as she once again lunged but Riley caught her, wanting her disposed of easily.

He grabbed her throat, dragging her forward and bite into her neck, letting his venom sweep through her veins.

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