the mysterious attack

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Pr=police radio
Peter is lying on his couch asleep when the police radio in his apartment goes off

Pr-all units report to 24th and main building on fire and there are people trapped inside

Peter jumps up and puts mask on because hes still wearing his suit from the night before

P-hey Kyle you there hello KYLE

K-jeez peter this early I was asleep and I wake up to you screaming in my ear

P-I need you to bring up the directions to 24th and main on my mask lenses

K-I'm on it

Kyle gets out of bed and walks over to laptop and starts programming his mask lenses to show directions to 24th and main

K-done do you need anything else

P-nope thats it you can go back to bed

K-ok but dont expect me to answer for a while I'm taking this earpiece out

P-whatever talk to you later

Peter finnaly gets to 24th and main and runs into the burning building


Peter hears a faint yell from upstairs

Peter runs up the stairs to get to the upper floor but when he gets there theres no fire and its quiet peaceful and the furniture is beautiful and there's a terrace outside but he didn't see on on the outside

P-that's strange

Peter walks outside on the terrace wnd looks up and down the building but theres no fire

P-how in the ....

Peter starts to hurt like he's being burned


All of a sudden peter opens his eyes and hes back in the burning building and sees a man with a bowl on his head looking down at him

All of a sudden peter opens his eyes and hes back in the burning building and sees a man with a bowl on his head looking down at him

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P-who are you


M-I am mysterio your worst enemy spiderman

Mysterio disappears and peter sees a flaming beam fall straight toward him

P-oh no

Peter blacks out

Peter wakes up to see a white ceiling aand relises hes in the hospital did i get here

Kyle is standing in a corner

K-good morning

K-Dont worry about the doctors finding out your identity I took your suit off and put some normal clothes on you and pulled you onto the street

P-thanks but how did you find me

D-your suit has a distress signal that goes off when you are unresponsive thats how im always there when something happens to you

P-I always wondered how you did that

K-yep well you get some rest the doctor said youll be out of here in a few days

P-ok fair enough I guess

K-stay safe and don't try anything dumb

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