a normal life

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Peter is finnaly getting a break from being spiderman and is getting to live a sort of normal life

Peter calls mj


P-hey mj just wondering if you would like to hang out later

Mj-sure what do you plan on doing

P-I don't know maybe watch a movie order some pizza or something

Mj-alright see you later


Peter goes to his apartment and starts cleaning

Theres a knock on his door

P-come in

Kyle comes in

K-so hows the iron spider suit

P-good it worked nicely

K-thanks I need it tho

P-oh ok

Peter digs in a duffle bag and pulls out a small red and blue ball

P-there it is

Peter throws it to kyle

Kyle catches it

K-ok see you later

Kyle turns to leave and bumps into mj

Mj-oh hey


Mj-watcha got

Mj sees the ball in his hand

K-uh nothing

Kyle rushes off

P-hey mj hows it going


P-so you want to come in and well eat


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