giving it up

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Peter is having a check up


D-you seem fine peter what seems to be wrong

P-well I keep having this dream where I'm Spider-Man in the dream I am and I keep looking my powers

D-well maybe your not supposed to be Spider-Man in this dream there's always a choice peter

P-i have a choice

D-of course you do so I think whats wrong with is physiological

P-thanks doctor

Peter leaves and goes back to his apartment and is sitting on the fire escape

Peter can hear the doctor saying there's always a choice in his head play over and over in his head

P-there's always a choice

Peter gets up and goes and gets his suits and takes them to Kyle's

K-is something wrong with them pete

P-no im just not being Spider-Man anymore


P-I'm not doing it anymore like the doctor said there's always a choice

K-but you do so much good for people

P-I just cant be Spider-Man I keep losing my powers and im sure its for a good reason

K-fine but I guarantee within a week after today this city will be in ruins

Peter walks away

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