Saving Mj

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Peter wakes up inside of a house he doesn't recognize and he sees Liz who he used to go to school with sitting in a chair across the room

P-where am I


L-in my house I found you knocked out on the ground and thought you needed some help

P-I feel like crap

L-I bet you do peter

P-wait how do you.......

Peter relizes he doesnt have a mask on

P-oh that's how

L-yep didnt you used to have a crush on me in high school

P-yeah but do you know where your dad took mj

L-I know its somewhere in east Harlem

P-also wheres my mask

Peter jumps up off the couch

L-I've got it

Liz walks up to peter and kisses him on the lips and holds it for a while then backs up and hands peters mask to him

P-what was that for

L-it was good luck and I just wanted to see what its like

P-what whats like

L-kissing Spider-Man and my old crush at the same time

P-wait you used to have a crush on me

L-guilty *smiles*

P-so what did it feel like


Peter smiles and runs out the door and swings away toward harlem

Peters earpeice goes off

K-hey are you okay

P-yeah just woke up from being knocked out how are you

K-I found out they made a ransom call to your aunt

P-oh great

K-yeah they said to hand over you or mj dies

P-welp I'm on my way

K-peter I hate to tell you this but they'll kill you

P-that's a chance ill have to take


P-hey could you send that iron spider suit

K-no im upgrading it and its in peices right now

P-oh that's good timing

K-well I was trying to make it better sorry

P-its fine ill just need a plan

Peter arives at the secret hide out where mj is being kept and he sneakes in and watches them

A-you really think he'll show

Q-of course he will this is his girlfriend

A-I hope you know what your doing

Q-don't worry I do

Peter swings in and kicks Quentin in the face and starts fighting him

P-hey kyle use my recording from my lenses to find weak points in quentins suit because other wise I won't beat him

K-got it bud

Peter dodges Adrian swooping in

K-hit Quentin in the right side above his thigh

Peter hits Quentin in the right thigh and Quentin fall on his knees

K-now upper kick his helmet

Peter upper kicks his helmet and it goes flying off

K-now hit him in the face but pull the punch

Peter punches Quentin in the face and it knocks him out

P-thanks man

K-ok gotta go now

Adrian swoopes in and grabs peter and flies up into the sky and starts flying toward the ocean

P-oh no

A-end of the line Spider-Man

Peter kicks Adrian with every word


Adrian drops peter and he starts falling towards the ground but before he hits the bottom he shoots a web to one of Adrians wings

P-thanks for the lift man

A-get off you stupid bug

P-actually spiders are arachnids

A-shut up

P-okay but only if you surrender now


Adrian cuts peters webs and then swoopes to catch peter and throws him into a building and keeps hitting him over and over

Peter starts to think this is the end when something flies through the air and hits him in the chest and the iron spider suit cover him

P-yeah thank you Kyle

Peter deploys the iron spider arms and puts one through ardrians wings and pulls Adrian toward himself then kicks Adrian in the face then starts destroying adrians wings and webs him up to the side of the building

P-good luck mr toomes

Peter swings back to the hide out and saves mj

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