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Peter has started college and has got a part time job

Peter is sitting outside studying when Liz walks up to him

P-hey Liz

L-hey Pete how's it going

P-uh pretty good

L-that's good mind if I sit here

P-no that's fine

L-thanks so how's the spidey thing going

P-um actually I'm .....taking a break


P-yeah I needed some personal time and the city's kinda quiet

Peter doesnt tell her that he quit

P-so I was wondering


P-would you like to....maybe go out sometime

L-yeah thatd be nice Pete

P-great is this Saturday good?

L-yep I've got nothing to do

P-cool welp I've got to get to classes

Peter gets up and puts books in bags and starts to walk off

L-hey Pete wait

Peter turns around and Liz is standing behind him

P-yeah Liz

Liz kisses peter

Peter is shocked at first but kisses her back and they stand there for a few minutes kissing and then peter realises he's going to be late for class

P-oh crap sorry I gotta go Liz see you Saturday

L-all right Pete see you later

Peter goes into his biology class

Mr Gibbs is starting to teach

(G=mr Gibbs)

G-ah hello peter

P-hey mr Gibbs

Peter sits and starts listening

G-so class can anyone tell me what a symbiote is

No one answers and mr Gibbs smiles

G-its something that needs a host to live and eventually completely takes over

Peter listens but has his mind on this Saturday

Peter thinking to self-man I can't wait to go out with liz for the first time I still can't believe that mj dumped me just because I'm Spider-Man but I'm glad I'm with Liz now

The class ends and he goes to dorm and starts working on homework then goes to bed

The next morning its saturday and peter wakes up to his phone ringing


K-hey Pete its Kyle

P-hey man

K-I miss making your suits and gadgets are you sure You just want to quit

P-yeah I just don't think I'm cut out for it I've lost too many people like doctor conners I just dont think I could handle more stuff like that

K-ok Pete but if you change your mind I'm here


Peter hangs up then gets ready for his and liz's date

They meet at a cafe

P-hey Liz

L-hey Pete

Liz kisses peter on the cheek

L-its good to see you again

P-yeah you too

L-its felt like so long since I've seen you


L-welp ready to go


After the date peter is walking down the street and he sees a big black creature fighting a bunch of men with guns and he freezes

P-what in the world is that

Peter takes a picture of it with his phone then it turns around and roars at him

P-oh crap

The thing charges at peter and peter runs away as fast as he can

Peter turns a corner and looks around the corner and the thing is gone and there's just a man walking down the street

P-hey have you seen a bug black thing with really sharp teeth


M-no have you

P-yeah well I thought I did

Peter sits on the street corner trying to figure out what just happened

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