peter and spidey

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Peter lands on a rooftop with mj and sets her down

Mj-you're not going to leave me here are you I can't get down

P-no I have something important to tell you

Peter takes off his mask and Mj's eyes widen and she starts backing up


Mj trips over a ledge and falls off the building

Peter jumps off the building and dives after her

He shoots a webs at her and slings her upwards toward him and catches her

They swing gently down to the ground and peter sits her down and puts his mask back on

Mj-peter i.....I

P-I know its a lot to take in but...

Mj-I can't do this if you're Spider-Man and my and your life is going to constantly be in danger I can't do this

P-mj I love you

Mj-no I can't and I won't, sorry peter I just dont want to be sitting at home worrying if you're dead or alive

P-ok I'm sorry I wasted your time

Peter swings off

And perches on a building ledge

P-sometimes I hate being Spider-Man

Peter goes to jumps off the building and swing but his webs won't work

P-what oh no

Peter starts falling


Peter falls into a car and shatters the windsheild

P-im sorry

Peter rolls of the car and falls onto the road and tries to get back up and runs into an alley

P-what happened

Peter takes off his glove and examine his wrist

He tries to shoot a web and nothing happens and he keeps trying and still nothing happens

P-what in the world

He keeps trying and finally he shoots one

P-thats better

Peter jumps up and starts swinging down the street

P-I wonder what caused that

Peter lands on a rooftop and looks across new York

P-that's not like me I better check everything out later

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