Nathalie X Felix: How They Met

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A/N: I don't think I ever would've published this anywhere, but if you guys are interested in knowing about Nathalie and Felix's past and how they met, I provided a little background. By background, I mean an entire 3,000 word one-shot.

There's also art in here!

I hope you enjoy!

"Mom, why are you letting him come to my new school?" Gordon grumbled, slumping down on the couch as he tossed his backpack on the couch.

Sending him a glare, Felix tried to get back to writing his song. Why was it so difficult to find the words? He held his pen over the empty notebook page, trying to think of something to write.

"Gordon, be nice. He's your brother, and you'll both be around each other. You'll both be new to this school, and having each other there will be comforting," Mrs. Dior explained.

"That thing isn't following me to class and basketball," Gordon pointed to Felix, obviously irritated by his presence.

"Why would I?" Felix shot back. He had no interest in whatever his jerky excuse for an older brother was planning on doing in their school.

If they had a music club, he'd definitely consider joining that. Although he was interested to see what the school offered, he was also nervous. It was a school in France, where his mother was from. He'd grown up in America all his life, made good friends at school, then his mother proposed that they go to France.

"You better not! If I see you at all during class, I swear—" Gordon threatened, raising to his feet.

"Gordon! Felix!" Their mother scolded, placing a hand on each of her sons to separate them, "Now go make sure you both have everything ready for school. Meet me at the car in three."

Once she turned away, Gordon shoved Felix back, causing him to fall back on the small coffee table. Groaning, he glared at him while his brother grabbed his yellow jacket and backpack and followed his mother out to the car.

Felix stood back up, rubbing his sore back. He went to his room to grab his backpack, then checked inside to make sure everything was still there. Proceeding to take it with him, he went to the kitchen to grab the bagged lunch his mother made.

"Bye Dad!" He called out to his father, who was working in his home office. The door opened, and he walked out to see his son off.

"I'll see you later, little man," his father lovingly slugged his son's shoulder.

Felix laughed a bit at his old nickname, but waved back to him as he walked out to the car. As usual, he saw his brother took the front seat, meaning he'd sit in the back.

"Ready to go?" Felix heard his mother ask when he buckled his seatbelt.

"Yeah," he replied with his pubescent voice, hearing his brother snort as usual whenever he said anything.

"Alrighty!" Mrs. Dior responded, beginning to pull out of her driveway.

As the drive began, Felix slipped his music notebook out of his backpack along with a pencil, attempting to see if he could think of anything during that short time.

When they arrived to the school, Felix gulped to see the size of it. His old school was a single level, and this was two levels. He felt the anxiety kick in, but he tried to calm himself.

After he put everything back away, he pulled his black hoodie jacket on, then stepped out of the car.

"Alright boys, do you need my help finding the office, or do you think you'll find it yourselves?" His mother rolled down the window to ask them.

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