CH 2

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Gym today has been boring. Nothing but slackers and women trying to impress me, and failing may I add. Didn’t stop me from fucking 3 in the locker rooms though. By the end of the day I was sat on the bench waiting, wasting my time for a girl who was late. 10 minutes late, 15 minutes late, and now 30 minutes late. She came in, running through the door holding a brown gym bag in a different sweater and the same pair of pants but with dark blue doc martins today. How did she afford that? She can’t even afford steak. 

“I’m so sorry I’m late-” 

“Get changed and get back out here, 30 minutes late, ten laps around the gym. Go.” She ran off to the locker room, changing into black spandex and a black sports bra with a purple tye dye shirt over it. She had on all black nike’s and her long curly messy hair was in a high loose ponytail, showing off her face that was still bruised. “Ten laps.” She nodded without complaining, running them fast and with ease. So she’s a runner. She sprinted up to me and stopped four feet away. “Alright, see that jumprope over there? Pick it up, jumprope for five minutes. Go.” I pointed towards it and she ran, picking it up before smiling and beginning to jump, her small boobs bouncing every time her feet hit the ground, and I imagined her surprisingly good bum did too. Five minutes was nothing to her. She barely broke a sweat. She jogged back over to me. “On the floor, 100 crunches. Now.” She dropped to the floor and I watched her slightly struggle with 100 crunches, wincing on each one. It took maybe three minutes, two even. “Good. Now lunges for 10 minutes.” She got off the floor and began doing lunges, watching the large gym clock. “Watching the clock does nothing for you. It only makes it seem longer. I’m keeping track of time, you keep lunging.” I said sternly. She didn’t respond, but her gaze went back to the floor. After that, she was beginning to ware in the slightest. “Come on, lets get you in some defense positions.” She walked over and waited by me. Awfully quiet today. “Alright. Right arm here.” I took her bruised arm, putting it in front of her face, forearm facing out. “Left arm here.” I crossed it over the other one. “When he tries to give you a shiner next time, block like this.” She nodded. “Now, if he kicks your stomach? Don’t. Fall. Down. You hear?” She nodded again obediently. Glad she’s less sassy today. After another hour of her defending herself and learning to kick properly, I sat her down and gave her my water bottle, seeing as she hadn’t brought her own. She took a few gulps before handing it back, still panting. “Your quiet today.” She opened her mouth, sticking out her bleeding and ... bruised tongue? Then she lifted her chin to show purple and blue bruises along her jawline. “I see.” I nodded. “Did you get the pills?” She nodded. 

“Navane.” She whispered.

 “Good. Do you feel any different?” She nodded. 

“A lot.”

 “You feel pain now? Emotional pain?” She nodded.

 “Can I stop taking them?” I shook my head. 

“They hurt.” I placed my hand on her back. 

“Its normal.” She shook her head. 

“Its not normal to have a 45 year old man rape, drug, and beat you daily.” My mouth fell open. I have sympathy for this girl. 

“No your right thats not okay.” She nodded. “I’m sorry for you.” She shrugged. 

“That won’t do anything for me.” I nodded. 

“Where did you get those shoes? They’re expensive.”   

“I stole them from a vintage shop in the city.” I nodded. 

“I figured. And the pills?” 

“Jack the Rack.” I nodded, knowing of his drug sales in trade for money or sex. I’m guessing she gave sex, considering she has no money. 

“Alright then. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She nodded and stood up, walking to the lockers to take a shower.

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