CH 5

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He felt the back and then stopped, prodding lightly at an area for a few seconds before grabbing his clipboard and marking an x on the injured spot. He grabbed a flashlight and looked in her eyes and ears before down her throat, marking an x there too.

"Alright now deep breaths." He took his stethascope and listened to her heart, then took her blood pressure. "I'm going to need to you lift up your sweater." She shook her head frantically and I came towards her, pulling her onto my lap when I sat down. She leaned back into me. "He needs to check your ribs baby." I mumbled into her brown straightened locks. She shook her head rapidly.

"Please no." I sighed.

"Please be good and do this for me." She began shaking and screaming, trying to pull out of my hold.

"Hey hey whats wrong? whats wrong?" Tears tumbled down her cheeks as she cried, sobbing loudly.

"He- He told me to be good for him." She cried. I pulled her into me, allowing her to sob. I gave an apologetic glance to Louis and he just shook his head, signaling its okay.

"Darling we need to make sure you're okay. I'm sorry, but you can trust Louis, he's one of my best friends. Plus you can't honestly be scared of a twenty two year old In a light blue apron wearing fuzzy socks." I commented. She nodded and pulled her sweater up past her stomach, resting right below the curve of her breasts. She was only wearing a pair of black lace underwear to cover her bottom half and I sucked in a breath. Louis went right to her ribs, pressing in certain areas as she whimpered.

"We need to x ray those." She nodded and he wheeled over the machine. "Harry you're gonna have to get up." I nodded, slipping out from under her and replacing me with my hands, gently laying her down.

"Harry I'm scared." She whimpered. I frowned.

"Its okay. I'm right here." I reassured before he repositioned the x ray machine and put a led pouch over her lower stomach.

"Alright this won't hurt." She nodded and he pushed the button, setting off a little noise and then a beep. I stared at her black lace covered pussy a few times. God it looked good on her pale skin. He did this at least three more times, before moving her back to her old spot. "Alright where else did he hurt you?" She was about to speak before I spoke for her.

"Her vagina's bleeding Louis." She shook her head.

"Please please no I'll be fine! I promise I don't need you to look down there!" She nearly screamed. I went to her and placed her on my lap once again, shushing her from behind.

"Baby it's gonna be okay. I'm here for you." She shook her head.

"He used to dress as a doctor." She said, sobbing between breathing fits. Her breath caught in her throat and she tried breathing in, failing. Louis came forward and stroked her arm.

"Breathe. Come on breathe. In and out." She stopped before passing out in my arms. Louis rubbed his hands over his face before sighing. He sat down next to her passed out body on mine.

"Alright Haz who's this, why is she here, and why are you calling her baby?" I sighed too, looking down at her in my arms before kissing her head gently, resting one hand on her stomach, the other wrapped around her lower torso, keeping her pulled in between my legs.

"This is Belle. The orphanage janitor rapes her, or used to I'm not letting her go back there, and uh, I don't know I just care about her I guess." I shrugged. He smiled.

"She's fit." I smacked his arm not so jokingly and he raised his arms up, hands in the air surrendering.

"And all yours bro, chill out." I nodded.

"Sorry it's just... she's really hurt. I mean she couldn't bend down to tie her shoes earlier. And she tried to kill herself an hour ago and-"

"WAIT WHAT?!?" I nodded.

"She laid down on the tracks, neck on the line." He shook his head, staring at her in my arms as I began to rub her stomach lovingly.

"We need to start her on antidepressants... is she on any other meds?" I nodded.

"Navane for psychosis. I told her to take them." He shook his head.

"You shouldn't have given that to her. That severely increases risk of suicidal thoughts and actions if she's in an unsafe place. You need to combine those with antidepressants. Who's supplying them anyways?"

I shrugged. "Jack the Rack." Louis shook his head.

"I'm guessing she paid in sex?" I nodded. He stood, putting a pair of rubber gloves on.

"I need to do this, might as well while she's passed out." I nodded and he spread her thighs before taking a flashlight and looking up her vagina. It was still bleeding and he spread her legs more, placing his hand in there too. I kissed her head, her still unconscious. "He must have cut her, she's bleeding not even an inch in. I need to stitch it up so keep her there." I nodded and he got a shot, putting it in her vagina and then stitching up the cut. He closed her legs and moved up her body. "Anything else?" I shook my head.

"Just bruises, although the one on her wrist looks pretty bad, maybe x ray it?"

Turns out she had broken her wrist, or he had broken her wrist for that matter, and she was starving to death. "Haz what are you gonna do? If she goes back there she's gonna die." I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands.

"I'm gonna adopt her." I concluded. He smiled.

"Good idea." I nodded.

"I don't know how to take care of a kid." He shook his head.

"Thats the thing, she's not a kid Harry. She's nearly your age. Just treat her like a normal 16 year old?" I nodded. "Would be treated."

I shook my head. "But I care for her!"

He smiled. "You fancy the bird eh?" My eyes went wide.

"I uh, yeah." I admitted, feeling slightly sheepish for admitting I fancied her.

"Harold likes a girllllllll." I smacked his arm and he frowned.

"Alright alright geez." I looked down at her on the bed and slipped in next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist tenderly.

"She's gonna need help Harry." I nodded.

"But she's strong." He gave a questioning look.

"Maybe just not as strong as you think." I shrugged.

"She's gonna be okay." He nodded.

"Does she even go to school?" I shrugged.

"You know, I don't really know." He chuckled.

"Well you should wake her up now, its nearly morning anyways." I nodded.

"Thanks Louis." He nodded and handed me two pill bottles.

"No problem. Give her these, no more sex paying for jack the rack okay? And antidepressants too." I nodded, then leaned over and kissed her forehead before shaking her.

"Babe get up. We gotta go back home." She groaned and snuggled towards me, and my heart melted at the sight.

"Carry me." she mumbled. I chuckled and nodded, picking her small frame up and cuddling her into me. "Thanks." She whispered to Louis before she fell asleep again.



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