CH 4

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"Come on guys lets go!" I called to my german shepherds. they clunked and trotted over to me where I put the leash on them. We walked past the park and through the cold streets of London, then to the train tracks to watch the trains.

I saw someone laying, neck on the line and ran over quickly, dropping the leashes knowing they would stay. I quickly grabbed the girl before the coming train chopped her head off and ran off the tracks before the train went by, nearly killing us.

I set her on the grass and looked down at her crying frame. Bella. "Oh God." I caressed her face and held her close to me softly. "Bella. Oh God no. You almost died! Thank God I was there. Oh God what did he do this time?" She cried softly, not saying a word, so I picked her up, grabbing the leashes in one hand and holding her in the other before walking back home. She continued to cry as I carried her back to my apartment. Once we got there I quickly jammed the key in the lock and let the dogs in, now taking her in my two hands and carrying her to the couch. "I can't believe it." I spoke, placing her on the soft material before sitting down myself.

"You shouldn't have saved me!" She cried in pain. I climbed over to her and took her face in my hands.

"Listen to me baby. You are more than worth living. Okay? I'm gonna help you, but you have to be strong." I said softly. She nodded slightly and I pulled her into me. "Your gonna be okay." She shook as she sobbed into my chest. I picked her up and placed her into my lap, her back against my arm, shoulder against my chest and legs pointing to my left. She rested her head on my shoulder and I stroked her hair calmly. I noticed she had on no pants, and I wasn't sure about underwear. She was in a large dark blue clunky sweater that hit the middle of her tiny thighs. she was wearing black knit knee socks, but no shoes, and her hair was down and messy, makeup running down her face. "What can I do to save you?" She shrugged.

"Theres nothing. I can't defend myself anymore Harry. I'm hopeless." I shook my head.

"Nobody is ever hopeless." I held onto her slightly tighter and kissed her cheek softly.

"Harry?" I perked up a bit.

"Yes?" She sighed, closing her eyes before speaking. She shook her head as if to say never mind and I disreguarded it. I saw a trail of red liquid down her thigh and shot up, still holding onto her. "Your bleeding." She looked down then went wide eyed. "Is it your period?" She shook her head quickly. "HE DID THIS?" I roared. She nodded shyly and I stood quickly, carrying her out to the car.

"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" She asked terrified.

"My friend is a doctor, I need to make sure your alright. Don't worry. No record, and he won't ask questions." She nodded and I placed her into the passengers seat before jumping in the drivers seat and speeding of to Louis'. I ran nearly three red lights, but its 11:30 nobody's going to care. I sped into his driveway, hopping out and picking her up, bringing her to the door and ringing the bell at least 10 times. A sleepy looking Louis opened the door.

"What are you doing Haz." He asked, un-entertained and tired as hell. He looked down to the silent Belle in my arms and his eyes widened, opening the door wide for us. I walked us in, bringing her to the guest room and laying her on the bed. She looked at me with fright and I shook my head.

"No need to be scared. Its alright." She nodded, looking around at the x-ray machine and all the tools.

"I'm afraid of hospitals." She whispered, beginning to shake. I laid down next to her and pulled her into me.

"Its okay. Nothing's going to hurt you as long as I'm here." She sighed and nodded, cuddling into me. Louis came in with an apron. I fought the urge to laugh at his baby blue apron.

"Okay what happened." I got off the bed, kissing her cheek in reassurance first and smiled.

"She's been beaten quite a bit, and was raped as well. I noticed she was bleeding and I brought her here... its not her period." He nodded, motioning her to sit up.

"And whats your name pretty lady." She smiled a bit.

"Belle." I thought it was Bella? I guess I heard wrong. He smiled a friendly smile too, reaching his hands up to her head to feel for bumps.

"Well Belle, thats a beautiful name." She smiled.

"Thanks. Its Arabella but you can call me Belle, or Bella, or Arabella, I don't really care." And I didn't even know her name.




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