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The three of us are sprawled out on the couch, playing Overwatch. I've played it a lot during my own free time, so my skills are enough, maybe better, to rival the boys.

"How did you do that?" Jungkook yells in amazement when I get him with a bullet straight to the head. One shot, one kill.

I giggle to myself as he pouts.

V looks at me and shakes his head. "How are you so good at the game? Me and Jungkook has played this for ages, and we still can't seem to beat you."

I shake my pointer finger at him, a bright smile tugging the corners of my lips.

He smiles back, both two rows of his perfect teeth showing. His eyes crinkle to form black crescents, and I can't help but think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

When V picks up the game controller I hand to him, I roll back onto the couch to watch.

Jungkook and V battle for a few minutes, eyes narrowed in concentration as they both try to rip each other's heads off with a bullet.

When V wins, I jump in excitement, and Jungkook frowns as he looks at me.

"Hyung, I think she prefers you over me." He says, pretending to be hurt.

V throws a pillow at Jungkook as he points out, "I read the messages you sent her. A cave, Jungkook? Really?"

My eyes crinkle into crescents in a wide smile as Jungkook throws the pillow back at V, undeniably aiming for his head.

But then I hear the sound of men outside, and the doorknob turning.

My heart stops in shock, as I turn to look at V and Jungkook. They still haven't caught on, busy arguing about something I can't comprehend.

When the door swings open, I hurriedly stand up and stumble over to V. He looks at me in surprise as I crouch behind his back, trying to stay hidden.

"Bora-yah?" Then his eyes widen as five people pour into the house, laughing and slapping each other on the backs.

"You still owe me money for the bet you lost last time, Chim!" I hear a high pitched shrill that should be considered impossible to come out of a man's mouth.

"Hyung, go easy on me. I promise I'll pay it back sometime. Besides, V has some money due to me. Right, V?"

I feel V's back stiffen in tension as footsteps come towards us.

I'm dead. I'm so screwed up. I should've never come here in the first place.

I look up to meet heavily hooded eyes, adorning a beautiful face along with flaming red hair.

Then the boy screams so loud my eardrums nearly pop.

"OH. MY. GOSH." The guy starts jumping up into the air as he points at me, on the verge of fainting with his hyperventilation. "Tae's got a girl, hyung!"

Immediately, I'm surrounded by five excited boys bombarding me with so many questions I can't hear a single one.

"Are you Tae's girlfriend?"

"You broke in, didn't you?"

"I hope you didn't sleep on my bed."

And in the middle of that, the guy that looks oddly like a horse screams out even louder. "Tae has a girlfriend!"

Between all that, I can only wonder one thing.

Who the heck is Tae?

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