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Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
Can I kiss you?

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
I want to kiss u

Nam Bora:
You're not Taehyung

Nam Bora:
V uses perfect grammar
no matter what

Cup of Tae:
I'm flattered

Cup of Tae:
U think I'm smart

Cup of Tae:
Come on

Cup of Tae:
I want you to come

Nam Bora:
Hey are u drunk?

Cup of Tae:
I'm PErfECt thnx u

Cup of Tae:
Sober and AwaKe

Cup of Tae:
R u drunk?????

Nam Bora:
Omg Tae

Nam Bora:
I didnt think u drank

Cup of Tae:
Well I'm offfenended

Cup of Tae:
Excuze u Bora ssi

Nam Bora:
I'm a woman V

Cup of Tae:
No ur a teeny tiny girl

Nam Bora:
Where r u rn

Nam Bora:

Cup of Tae:
Wow she's worried about mw

Cup of Tae:
I'm happy NoW

Cup of Tae:
I've FulFilLed mY pURPOSe  inTvis  world

Nam Bora:
Cmon Tae

Nam Bora:
Where r u

Cup of Tae:
Idk rlyrjenw

Cup of Tae:
I do not remeber

Nam Bora:
Nvm I'll track u

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
Track Me DoWn??

Nam Bora:
Yup so stay put V

Cup of Tae:
Anything 4 my princess

I grow even worried as his messages become more slurred and misspelled, his usual perfect grammar and punctuation nowhere to be seen.

He's really drunk.

But I thought he didn't drink alcohol?

Putting the thought in the back of my mind, I tuck the phone into the back of my pocket as I race to the boys' house.

A shocking realization runs through me as I near the white apartments.

Are all the boys drunk?

V would never drink alcohol with his own will. He and I both have something in common- we're both very light drinkers. Even one gulp could knock us out flat, transforming us from mature adults into a month old infant.

As I open the unlocked door to the familiar apartment, I immediately whip around and lock the door securely behind me.

The last thing I needed was someone to see a famous world star, drunk as a bull on cocaine, with a girl.

That would be the end of his career, his everything. Not to mention my life as well.

V is collapsed on the bed, his fallen phone still glowing brightly on the floor. His eyes are closed, and for a second I think he's knocked himself unconscious.

 His eyes are closed, and for a second I think he's knocked himself unconscious

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For a second, I'm confused and lost on what to do next.

None of the boys were here, except for V, which was definitely unusual. It was already past midnight, which made this even more confusing.

The boys should be here with him.

Where were they?

Then I see a green bottle glinting against the dark, its silhouette undeniable.

It was a soju bottle, and it was as empty as my wallet.

I guess I was right after all.

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