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Is hyung alright?


Why aren't you answering

We're almost there—
the photo shoot is done so
we'll be there in an hour


The morning light is gentle on my skin as I stretch my stiff body. Something heavy is atop my stomach— and its nearly driving me insane from suffocation.

When I look up, I realize it's V. His cheeks are flushed as his arm slacks against my stomach, his right leg twined around mine.

For a second, I freeze. My mind goes completely blank with shock as I look at him, then my leg, then my hands.

Last night is blurry— like a faded part of my memory. The last thing that I can clearly remember is reading Jin's message and closing off my phone, trying to imagine what the other members were doing.

And then, darkness.

It's like I was drunk as well— being unable to recall anything. Shrugging off V's arm, I roll over off the bed in the laziest manner possible. The coziness of the blankets have warmed my skin, and the sunlight had made me totally opposite from my usual diligent attitude.

Not that I was an early bird or anything.

Yawning widely, I habitually pick up my phone. There's five messages from Jungkook, all of them from an hour ago. As my eyes scroll through each of them causally, his fourth message catches my eye exactly.

They were—

No way.

To my dismay, I hear the creak of the door as it swings open, followed by a rampage of immature group of a certain boy band members.

To add to my growing horror, Jin is the first one in the doorway. He was the one that had sent that message last night— and by the smirk on his face, he thinks that I listened to him.

But I didn't listen to him!

Nearly dropping my phone, I shake my head as hard as I can— so hard that I nearly collapse from dizziness. I could not let them misunderstand. I would rather die, and this was not a joke.

"Alright, alright. I got you." Jin whispers, patting the top of my head like I was a five year old in need of consolation. "Just joking. I know that you'd rather go deaf than to listen to me."

Suddenly, Jimin flies out from nowhere to fill the entire proximity of my vision.

"You better have not listened to Jin hyung, Nam Bora." He huffs, cheeks flushed with a deep shade of red. I couldn't help but laugh— he was so protective of Tae. Like he was his personal guardian angel or something.

"Chill out, kiddo." Suga says as he pulls Jimin back. "You're just jealous. We get it."

"I am not jealous, hyung!" Jimin explodes, his face now redder than a tomato. "I just don't want what happened last time to happen again, that's all!"

Last time? What did he mean?

Judging by the sudden tight look on Suga's face, it seems like Jimin just said something he should not have said in front of me. And now I'm even more convinced when Jimin slaps his own mouth shut— something that didn't happen normally.

My first instinct is to flash some sign language at the two, but then I realize that they weren't fluent at that at all and switched to traditional writing.

What last time are you talking about?

"Nothing," Suga shrugs, looking at Jimin like he was a total idiot. "Jimin's just in need of some help— it might be easier if he was mute as well. That would make everything so much simpler."


"It's true," Suga says casually as he stalks off towards his designated spot— his messy array of beanbag chairs and comfortable couches. There was no doubt what he was going to do next.

"Hi, Bora." Someone suddenly taps me on the shoulder, and I turn to see the maknae of the group. He looks tired from the all night shoot, with his posture sagging and his shadows ringing his eyes. Or maybe that was just makeup. Who knew?

When I make a greeting motion, he blows out a heavy sigh as he crashes
into the chair next to my position.

"You got me worried when you didn't reply. You usually answer in less than five seconds— so what last night stopped you?"

Trying to keep the rising flush down, I give him a nonchalant shrug. It was so successfully blasé that I thought it could even rival Suga's.

He fixes me a curious look before letting himself go to his exhaustion. The minute he closes his eyes, I see that he's fallen asleep— his chest is rising and falling evenly.

Looking around, I realize that most of the members have followed Jungkook's example— either snoring on a couch or slumped against one of the many beanbags scattered across the huge living room.

The only one awake and humming is Jin, and even the energetic oldest looks tired out. After all, they'd just spent the entire night participating in a photo shoot, and I personally knew that posing for pictures were more exhausting than running a mile.

When I realize that Jin is preparing a meal for the other members when they wake up, I quickly snap my fingers to get his attention. Once I do, I point at him, and then the beanbag. Then I try to convey my meaning by motioning at myself and the pan he was holding.

Thankfully, he gets it the first time.

"Thanks, Bora. You're a lifesaver." He mutters sleepily as he hands the salt shaker over to me. "Just fix up a quick breakfast— nothing out of the ordinary. The boys usually like scrambled eggs— with twice the salt."

I nod uncertainly as I start up the fire, taking out an entire dozen eggs from the fridge. There was no doubt that the boys would probably eat more than a dozen— so I pulled out another dozen.

Wow, they kept a lot of eggs.

While I was cracking the final egg into the mega sized pan, I feel someone enveloping me in a warm pair of arms.

"Good morning,"

It's V, isn't it?

His voice was deepened and more rich, which was odd because I'd expected that he was still getting over his killer hangover. Maybe it was the hangover that was making his voice go an octave lower.

"Thanks for staying with me last night," He says, sounding a bit dazed. "You're different from her— thank you."

Her? Different?

I had a strange feeling that this her and Jimin's slip earlier was somehow connected together. Who was this mysterious girl?

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