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Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
I'm bored

Nam Bora:
and I need someone
to talk to

Nam Bora:
hello? Humble
rich boy?

Nam Bora:
are u even there?

Nam Bora:
I know ur reading this

Nam Bora:
so come on out
I won't bite I promise

Nam Bora:
hey don't make
me question ur existence

Nam Bora:
omg fine
ignore me whatever

Nam Bora:
I'll just spam u then

Humble rich boy:
I'm here

Humble rich boy:
Don't spam me

Nam Bora:
too late for that now

Nam Bora:
shabunainains.  Hhzhz
SUNY ya hzhdkdldnj xj z

Nam Bora: bsunsfnhenhzjxkdmnamljahags

Nam Bora:
won't stop til
u promise u won't ignore me

Humble rich boy:
No promises made

Nam Bora:
fine then

Nam Bora:
let me welcome
you to the world of copy and paste

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
I can do this for hours

Humble rich boy:

Humble rich boy:
I promise

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
nam bora for the win

Humble rich boy:
Bora? That's your name?

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
not fair

Nam Bora:
since u get to know my name, I should get to know urs

Humble rich boy:

Humble rich boy:

Humble rich boy:
I can't do that

Humble rich boy:
Not yet anyways

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
you're even more
secretive than I thought

Nam Bora:
what are you, Batman?

Humble rich boy:
Sorry to disappoint you

Humble rich boy:
I'm only his sidekick

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
R u serious rn??!!

Nam Bora:
omg omg omg
I'm texting Batman's sidekick

Humble rich boy:
Wait no

Nam Bora:
Humble rich boy to
Sidekick not bird

Sidekick not bird:
Wait I was just kidding

Nam Bora:
haha too late robin

Nam Bora:
cuz your contact name
is here to stay

Sidekick not bird:
Can't you just stick with one name?

Nam Bora:
whats ur recommendation

Sidekick not bird:
V for Victory

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
no way am I 
changing it into that

Sidekick not bird:
Wait u still don't know who I am?

Sidekick not bird:
I literally just told you my name

Nam Bora:
very funny

Nam Bora:
R u telling me ur name
is V for Victory?????

Nam Bora:
bless your mother
who named you

Sidekick not bird:
It's obviously not my real name

Sidekick not bird:
Don't you know anyone named V?

Nam Bora:
huh let me think

Nam Bora:

Sidekick not bird:

Sidekick not bird:
I give up on you

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