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Cup of Tae:

Nam Bora:
Yup I'm here

Cup of Tae:
Why are the members
giving me weird looks

Cup of Tae:
They look either proud of me
or they want to rip my head off

Cup of Tae:
Know anything about this?

Nam Bora:
Ignore them

Nam Bora:
They're just jealous

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
Why would they be jealous?

Nam Bora:
Better if you don't know

Nam Bora:
The least I can do is to
keep your innocent mind

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
What are you talking about?

Nam Bora:
Nothing nothing

Nam Bora:
Hey are you busy rn?

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
I'm bored af

Nam Bora:
Nuh uh little V

Nam Bora:
No cussing allowed

Cup of Tae:
You do know I'm older

Nam Bora:
Yeah of course I know

Nam Bora:
Have a problem?

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
Never mind you're too dumb

Nam Bora:

Nam Bora:
Want me to spam you?

Nam Bora:
I can make your phone
ding until you die

Cup of Tae:
No thanks

Cup of Tae:
Come over

Nam Bora:
Good idea

Nam Bora:
Swear I've never been
so bored in all my life

Nam Bora:
Don't u have to rehearse though

Nam Bora:
You have a concert tomorrow

Cup of Tae:
You know my schedule

Cup of Tae:
Does that mean you're
going to be there?

Nam Bora:
I'd love to

Nam Bora:
If the tickets hadn't sold out
I'm legit five seconds

Nam Bora:
You have some dedicated fans

Cup of Tae:
I know

Cup of Tae:
I'd like you to be there though

Nam Bora:
Maybe next time when
I can get a chance for the

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
You're coming tomorrow

Nam Bora:
You do know I'll get
kicked out without a ticket

Nam Bora:
I can't get in, Tae

Cup of Tae:
Like I said, no worries

Cup of Tae:
I'll send someone for you
I promise

Cup of Tae:
Can you come over

Cup of Tae:
I can make time for you

Nam Bora:
Of course

Nam Bora:
I'll be there soon

Cup of Tae:

Cup of Tae:
I want to see you
Message not sent

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