Chapter Thirty Five

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~Sorry I haven't been active but school and studying has overworked me and with Christmas, I've found no time to write in the last three weeks and I apologise! I'm not going to have a lot of time to write as of January as I have prelims coming up then exams in May and I have to find a new job so everything is a bit hectic right now!

~Thank you for being  patient whilst waiting for this new chapter. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas!

When Newt walked out of his final exam, the first thing he did was light a cigarette. The addictive taste of nicotine tingled his tongue, sending him into a bliss of relaxation. He exhaled slowly, watching the smoke as it faded into the air. He stubbed it out on the ground with his foot before he got into his car.

Newt tried to cut down on smoking. Thomas didn't like it one bit and so he smoked less to please him. Newt didn't want to screw up again, he wanted their second chance at a relationship to work out. 

Thomas already let him kiss him, and Newt would be lying if he said the bliss wasn't comparable to heaven. But most of all -the thing that stunned Newt the most- Thomas said his first 'I love you'. It melted the blonde's heart, made his legs feel weak, made his breath catch in his throat. And from there they kept kissing. Newt mentally thanked his mother for not disposing of his bed.

No-they didn't have sex.

Yes- they were intimate.

Maybe they got slightly carried away, to the point where they were half naked and Thomas topping the blonde. Newt had to stop it, though, because he knew his eyes would turn orange at the lust. He wasn't ready to show his boyfriend  his witches mark yet. 

A witches mark was a feature every witch had; their eyes would change colour, and the colour would resemble them. Orange, Newt had been told, signified calm, patience, beauty, kindness and strength. The latter was proving to be true as he felt his powers flexing everyday. He discovered new powers, spells and incantations.

Of course, he kept Thomas updated on everything. There were no secrets between them (apart from the truth about Delilah, which Newt had to cover up) and they swore never to hurt the other again. Especially not intentionally. 

Newt parked outside The Homestead, leaping out the car and prancing giddily into the café. Thomas' smile stretched across his face once he saw the blonde, pulling him into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around his waste and burying his face in the crook of his neck. 

"How was your exam?" The brunette asked excitedly. 

"I think I did alright," Newt answered, trying to avoid sounding cocky. 

"You've probably aced it. Sit down, I'll make you a green tea," Thomas ordered. Newt sat in a seat by the window, pulling out his phone to text Sonya. She was in Spain with her friends, the holiday Newt promised to send her on with her friends. Her final exams weren't for a couple of years yet. 

"One large green tea for Mr. Brainiac," Thomas said as he carefully placed the hot drink in front of his boyfriend. 

"Thanks, love." Newt pressed a shy kiss to Thomas' lips, heating both their cheeks as they were aware of people watching them. But the men didn't care, they were happy in their moment. The happiest, though, was Minho, who was delighted at the sight of the two lovers replicating the relationship they used to have.

"You could never tell those two broke up," Ben said to Minho as he sat down a tray of clean mugs. "What a pair they make."


Newt would be lying if he said his favourite thing wasn't cuddling on the sofa with Thomas, even if it included Rosanna sliding in between them. Of course it had to be Toy Story  playing on the TV,  the child's booming laugh almost as loud as the volume emitting from the movie. 

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