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"Maybe it can't be helped", she says and smiles.

A sad smile that cuts down through the flesh.

She lowers her head and looks at the shot Tequila that is placed in front of her.

It's number nine so far.

I look at her, and I can see the wheels spinning in her head.

Down goes the Tequila, down her throat.

She doesn't flinch.

She looks into my eyes, that hold no answers for her questions.

My gaze is lowered on the shot in front of me, I can't stand that look in her eyes.


Number ten so far.

I look back at her.

It goes down my throat, I don't flinch.

Her hazelnut eyes glazed by the alcohol and unshed tears.

She nods, covers her mouth with her hand, lowers her eyes.

"It can't be helped."

She lays her hand on her cheek, wipes with her middle finger over her left eyebrow.

A tear crosses her cheek, she covers it with her hand.

She smiles again.

Her hand falls from her cheek onto the table.

Wiping the shot glass off the surface, letting it spill its glitzing self over the floor.

She raises from her seat and reaches for the bottle with the silver.

And I know that it can't be helped.

Let Us Be Forever YoungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt