Chapter 3 : A Ravenclaw?

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Now Albus began to feel sleepy and much happier so was pleased to see the Headmistress stand up.

"Before we all troop of to bed, I'd like to say a few things. Please would you not practice magic in the corridors, Mr Filch and Mr Magget would like me to remind you that it is strictly forbidden the don't go into the forbidden, Forbidden Forest, sorry." After her comical comment her stare was hawk like no one dared to laugh. "And now let's go to bed."

Albus stood up and followed the Ravenclaw prefects. They led the First-years to the common room. Albus was too sleepy to remember his way and only managed to remember the answer to the raven on the door's riddle:

I have two wings and wavy locks

Graceful I step in small silver socks

What am I do you know?

The answer was a Pegasus. Albus gratefully went to sleep in an amazingly comfy big four poster bed.

The light streamed through the window hitting Albus in the face. He awoke, got dressed and at once regretted not paying more attention to directions. He went down to the common room. Then he followed two Second-years down to the Great Hall.

He tried to memorise his way as he went, which was hopeless as all the paintings moved and the corridors all looked the same. He got into the Great Hall and piled on a good English breakfast. He watched glumly as Scorpius's eagle owl led the others into the hall. It was carrying a large parcel and landed perfectly on Scorpius's shoulder. A snowy owl (Hedwig III) landed in front of James. While a tawny owl landed in front of Albus. It was the family owl meaning his mother had written to him. He opened the letter,

Dear Al,

How was your first day in Hogwarts? What house are you in? Have you made any friends? Is Rose okay? Your Dad has become ill so we are going to see a healer. I'll keep you posted as long as you keep me.

Lots of Love

Mum x

Albus stuffed the letter into his pocket as the Head of House, Professor Flitwick, handed him his timetable. He had double potions first with Slytherin, as he read this Scorpius appeared next to him. He sat down and nicked Albus's toast.

"Hi. We've got potions next so we can go together, yeah?"

"Yes, alright," Albus smiled nicking his toast back just before Scorpius bit into it.

They laughed and chatted for a bit.

"What do you think you're doing?" Demanded Professor Longbottom swooping in.

"T-talking sir?" Albus frowned at his scandalised expression.

Professor Longbottom frowned from Scorpius to Albus. Then walked away, without saying a word, out of the hall. Scorpius looked at Albus who shrugged and shook his head.

They walked down to Potions which was in the dungeons. They stood together, unlike the rest of their houses who stood apart. The classroom door opened to reveal a very fat little old man. He greatly resembled a walrus with a balding head, but a moustache to dance over his top lip when he talked.

"Good Morning, First-years!" He boomed his moustache quivering.

"Good morning, Professor." The class chorused.

"Well in you go." He ushered them into the classroom.

The classroom was huge. Desks were set up in groups a cauldron stood beside each; some shimmering or making peculiar noises. There were brightly coloured with greens, pinks and blues. They also smelt strange. Albus could smell syrup on pancakes and a dewy morning. He was wondering how he could smell a morning when Scorpius interrupted him.

"Can you smell mint and paper?" Scorpius whispered as they made for a table near the middle.

"No, I smell pancakes." Albus answered.

Scorpius sniffed and shrugged. The cauldron sitting beside their table held a potion that was a sluggish grey. It issued every now and then a slight popping noise. The pancakes got dizzyingly strong as Albus peered into it.

The Professor stepped behind his desk, "Now first things first, for those of you who do not know I'm Professor Slughorn. In your years at Hogwarts you will be learning Potions, and I hope some of you will become very good at it." He looked brightly around the room, "Potions is not a subject to take lightly, in Potions you will learn how to; safe lives, stir death and brew love." At this last bit he smiled as the boys pulled faces.

"Right, now as you have probably noticed there are various potions placed by each table."

Professor Slughorn then stomped around the classroom telling them what the potions were. A table of Ravenclaw girls squealed when they found out theirs was a unstoppable death. The Professor Slughorn reached their table and looked down into their cauldron and smiled.

"What do you smell?" He asked Scorpius.

"Mint and paper, sir." Scorpius told him, averting his eyes from the rest of the class.

"What do you smell?" He asked another Slytherin boy on their table who was called Ashley Bye.

"Dog and str-straw." He stuttered.

Slughorn raised his eyebrows and an amused smile came to his lips, "Well what an unusual thing to be attracted to!"

The whole table paled as the rest of the class howled with laughter.

"Of course this is a Love Potion and a very powerful one indeed." Slughorn explained.

For the rest of the lesson they copied down the instructions to make the potions and the finished potions qualities.

At the end of the class they stumbled out to break.

"Paper? I don't even like reading!" Scorpius spluttered.

Albus laughed heartily.

"Hey, you better watch out though you'll be after everyone on Pancake day!" Scorpius retorted smartly.

The boys went quiet and Albus saw a red flush on Scorpius's pale face.

"What's so funny?" asked Rose. As her and Emma approached.

Albus realised that Rose brought a papery smell to the air, in fact she was carrying her huge journal paper and parchment spilling out of it. He watched her for a bit and noticed her rolling a mint around in her mouth.

"So how was your first lesson?" asked Rose.

"We had double Potions and it was quite fun." Albus said.

"Oh, I had Defence against the Dark Arts. It was interesting but a bit basic," Rose said, "Then I had Charms that was okay."

"I had Herbology with Professor Longbottom." Emma said.

"What have you got next?" Rose asked.

"Defence and then Herbology with you." Albus replied.

"Good, I've got Transfiguration," Rose said, "Can you hold this for me?" she asked handing her journal to Albus.

She wanted to tie her hair up. Albus rolled his eyes at Scorpius but Scorpius was watching Rose. Albus didn't like the greedy look on his face.

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