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"I like his attidute."Johnny smirked at Ten who is still trying to shock all the staffs.

Taeyong on the other side completly went blank along with Jaehyun.Ten smacked his back and he quickly came back to sense.

"Chill.I won't kiss you.Youre not even my type."Ten crossed his arms and made a disgusted face.

"I-I think I need a break..."Taeyong fanned himself non-stop.

Lucas came back to the front as soon he finished checking the photos he made.He was too satisfied that he keep yelling at everyone in joy.

"We're done today!Next shooting is next week!"Lucas clapped and they all bowed at him with a thank you.

Taeyong sighed in relief that it's all done and got up from the sofa to change back his clothes.

Jaehyun stood at the hallway silently waiting someone to come out and he came out after 5 minutes.He grabbed him and pushed him on a seat.

"Ten,I didnt ask you to do that much?"Jaehyun crossed his arms.

"I already told you that I will do it in my way if you wabt my help.Like it or not we already done it."Ten crossed his legs and arms and glared at the CEO.

"Wait."Something clicked Ten and Jaehyun became a bit nervous worrying that its what he is thinking right now.

"Are you jealous?"Ten chuckled.

"W-What?N-No?I..I..I'm not!"Jaehyun wanted to slap himself for stammering.

"Suuuure.Alright,I'm sorry I won't do that again."Ten stood up and winked at him while still laughing at him being so obvious.

"Hey!I told you its not what you think!Ten!Oh my godness."Jaehyun sighed heavily and ruffled his hair on annoyance.

Taeyong changed back to his clothes and went to find his boss.He was actually nervous because he doesnt know if he was satisfied or not.

He went out from the studio room and saw Jaehyun standing in front of a wall while doing some weird poses.Taeyong could hear some curse words so he was already ready go be scoled by him.

"J-Jaehyun,I'm done changing.Do you need anything from me?If not I will be going back to the hotel."

"Huh?!Oh,Taeyong.Ok.Go back to hotel,be careful on your way back."Jaehyun felt embarrassed but at the same time very nervous to see Taeyong.

"Thank you,see you at dinner."He bowed at him and walked away.

"Look how innocent he is,compeared to what we just saw."Johnny who came back from a vending machine with a coffee on his hand smiled at the boy helplessly.

But he was kicked on the butt by Jaehyun.

"Oh gosh,that hurt."He rubbed his butt.

"Serve you right.Hmmpf!"Jaehyun fake spit on Johnny and walked away.

"Oh~Someone is jealous~Eiiii~Wait me~!"Johnny laughed out loud and catched up the red tomato Jaehyun.

Taeyong decided to spend his free hours with his bestfriend so he quickly freshen himself up and went to the neighbor door.

"Oh my god,you scared me!"Taeyong jumped in shock when Ten opened the door.He was wearing a facemask and two cucumbers on his eyes.

"Come in I need to talk to you."Ten looked at him with a straight face and walked back to the sofa inside.

"Whats wrong?"Taeyong followed him inside clueless.

"Sit."Ten patted the emtpy space next to him.

Taeyong slowly walked next to him and sat down.

"Ok,I don't know what I did but I apologize fir-"Taeyong got cut off by Ten with his finger on his lips.

"No,I'm not mad so don't apologize."Taeyong nodded slowly while Tens finger is still on his lips.

"Just let me ask you this."


"Do you like Jaehyun?"Ten looked at him seriously,still having his mask on.

"W-What?Why would you think that?"Taeyong almost screamed.

"You don't?"

"Yes,I don't.No!I mean...uhh....uhhh..."Taeyong faced became red and Ten wanted to laugh but he reminded himself his has his facemask on.

"So,you like him."

"I don't know.....He is sometimes kind but sometimes evil.Well,I admit it when he was kind my heart did race."

"Oh!Is that so?Alright,you can go back to your room.I need my beauty sleep."Ten shooed him away while giggling non-stop.

He sure has something in mind.

"What?!I came to hang out with you!Tennnnn."Taeyong tried to fix him in the sofa but he still got pushed to the door.

"Nope,we meet at dinner later,see you."Ten smiled sacarsticly at him and shutted the door.

Taeyong pouted and stomped back to his room.

At dinner they decided to meet up at a fast food restaurant since Johnny wanted to eat something more commom for middle class people.

Taeyong arrived early so he sat on a bench beside the restaurant.Soon he sees Jaehyun walking towards him with his daily clothing which made him stare at Jaehyun without noticing.He stood in front of him and said something but he was still too caught up how his boss looks so good.

"Taeyong?Are you listening?"Jaehyun waved in front of his face.

"Huh?!Oh,sorry.What is it?"Taeyong came back to sense.

"If you are still tired from the shooting today you can go rest first."

"Oh,I'm fine.Where's the other 2?"

"Thats what I was asking.I guess we can go in first?"Jaehyun suggested and Taeyong nodded.

Ten who was actually way earlier here than Taeyong was watching them while giggling hard.
He soon saw Johnny comming from the far so he quickly ran to him and grabbed him.

"Oh hey,I just wanted to ask where the restaurant is.Hmm!H-Hey,where are we going?"

"Telling you later!"Ten ran to a cafe restaurant on the oppsite side and pushed Johnny in.

They sat down on a window seat and Ten started to stalk them.Minutes has passed and he is still stalking them.Johnny started to feel a bit awkward so he tapped Tens shoulder to gain his attention.

"You're such a good friend."Johnny suddenly said which gained Tens attention.

"I know.He deserves it."Ten turned his body back to front and stabbed on a strawberry.

"And I like it."Johnny rested his head on his hand and used the other hand to whipe off the small foam from the coffee on Tens lips.He smiled and licked it off of his finger earning a shock from Ten.

Ten lowered his head and tried not to smile too much and whispered a "Thank you.".

"You're always welcome,beautiful."

Promise ▪ JaeYong [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now