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•••••Samantha's POV•••••

We are leaving to VidCon Tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see some of my YouTube and Vine friends, like Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, and Mahogany LOX*.

But anyways, I already packed for VidCon so Sam and I are going to the beach today with Kian, Andrea, Jenn and Jack. The guys have stuff to do today so yeah.

I'm wearing my black corset bikini, and a loose crop top over and high waisted shorts and white sandals. Then I put my hair into a messy bun because, it might just get wet anyways.

Then I went downstairs and we all rushed out of the house because we have to go pick up Andrea and Jenn, Jack is gonna meet us at the beach.

Once we picked up Jenn and Andrea, we went straight to the beach. When we got there, we all went straight into the water. We played chicken fight, Andrea on Kian's shoulders, Jenn on Jack's shoulders and me on Sam's shoulders.

After playing in the water, I went on the sand with Jenn and Andrea and we tanned for a while.

"Sam, what shampoo do you use?" Andrea asked.

"John Freda full repair." I said.

"Cool, cause your hair is always so flowy and pretty like ugh, stop being perfect!" she said.

"You first!" I said laughing.

After the beach, we went to Taco Bell and dropped off Jenn,Andrea and Jack.

Then we headed home, when we got there, everyone else was already home. Ricky and Connor were watching prison break, so I went to my room and Sam came with me.

"Are you excited for VidCon tomorrow?" Sam asked.

"Absolutely, it's gonna be so much fun!" I said smiling.

"Well let's go to sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow." he said.

"Okay." then I laid on my bed and he laid next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist and then we both fell asleep.


Today is the day we are leaving to VidCon, so when I woke up, I took a quick shower and threw on some sweats and a red crop top, then I grabbed my phone charger, phone,snuggy and luggage and went downstairs with the rest of the boys.

We are gonna meet Andrea, Jenn and Jack there. So we got into two cars, Kian's and Ricky's. Jc, Kian, Sam and I are in Kian's car. Ricky, Connor and Trevor are in Ricky's car.

When we got to VidCon, they gave us dressing rooms, O2L and I shared with Jenn, Andrea and Jack.

I went in the bathroom and fixed my hair, then I got dressed in leather pants, a flower top and a jean vest jacket. Then I just slipped on my combat boots.

After everyone was dressed and ready, we did the meet and greet. I'm in a table with O2L,Andrea ,Jenn, Lohanthony and Jack. Sam is sitting right next to me, and Kian on the other side. Then all the fans started coming in.

"Omg! Samantha, you and Sam are such a cute couple!" one tiny brunette said.

"Thank you!" Sam and I said at the same time.

"Sam can I get a picture with you?" one girl asked.

"Absolutely." he said getting up and taking a selfie with the girl.

"Thank you!" she said smiling at Sam and when she looked at me, she gave me a dirty look, but I just brushed it off.

After about 300 fans coming up to us, Sam and I got hungry so we went to Chipotle.

I got a chicken burrito and I have no idea what Sam ordered because he just asked for everything cramped into one little burrito.

After we ate, we headed back to VidCon and we were called on main stage with the rest of O2L.

We all just talked and danced on stage for a while, until they played the O2L song. We all knew the dance so we all danced to it and then Jenn, Anthony and Andrea came on stage with us.

After the first day of VidCon, I was pooped so we went to the hotel and when we got there, I passed out on Me and Sam's bed.


•••••Sam's POV•••••

I woke up next to Samantha who was still fast asleep. So I went to the the bathroom, brushed my teeth and checked what time it was, it was 11:30! We need to start getting ready, so I went back into our room to wake up Samantha .

"Princess, wake up." I said kissing her nose.

"I don't want to!" she said pouting.

"Okay well I'll just go to VidCon without you!" I said getting up from the bed.

"Okay, fine I'm up!" she said getting out of the bed and walking to the bathroom. She's so cute when she's cranky, haha.

Then I took a shower and got dressed, today I'm gonna wear, a white tank top that says 'Haters gonna Hate!' in big red letters. Then I wore my skinny jeans, white vans and a red beanie. When Samantha came out the bathroom, she was wearing a white crop top, acid wash jeans and a red beanie with her black combat boots.

"Twinsies!!" I yelled In a girl voice, making Samantha laugh. Then she did her hair and makeup which I don't understand what the reason for makeup was,because she is naturally gorgeous everything about her is perfect.

After she finished her makeup , she cleaned her nose ring and put in a different one.

Then we went to the place VidCon was being held at.

When we got there, there were fans scattered everywhere, they almost attacked Samantha so I put her on my back and ran inside.

"Thanks baby." she said giving me a light peck on the lips.

"Anything for my princess." I said kissing her again.

"Alright, enough of the lovey dovey crap, we have a meet up!" Connor yelled.


After about 3 hours of meeting people, my baby girl was sleeping on one of the couches in the dressing room we got, today is the last day of VidCon, and I am kind of glad that it is because now I can spend more time with my baby!

After everything was over, Samantha was still sleeping so I took a picture of her and carried her to the car. When we were all inside the car, I tweeted the picture

@QueenBeeSammy You are so cute when you sleep. Love ya baby girl!

When we finally got to the hotel,we packed up our stuff since we are leaving tonight and decided to go out and eat as a group. And by group I meant, Andrea,Jenn,Jack,Anthony,Matthew,

Nash,Mahogany, All of O2L, Rebecca,Samantha,Cameron,Carter,

Ricky Thompson,Tina,Dana,Savanna

Jack and Jack,Taylor,Teala,Shane,



And whoever else was in VidCon that we knew.

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