three ; your girlfriend sucks at fortnite

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milk bag bitch

get in the call u hoe



milk bag bitch



maybe i'd join if u ask nicely :))

milk bag bitch

will you p l e a s e join me and john in the call so we can play fortnite???


dead game but ok

milk bag bitch


but,, the views


lmao i'm aware, why do you think i still play this damn game, i'll see u there smit

     I headed over to the room I was now staying in and opened up my computer, opening up discord and starting up Fortnite. I pulled my gaming headset and mic on and entered the call with John and Jaren. 

     "what's up you thots" I stated shortly after discord made my presence aware. 

     "aye, (y/c/n) joined the call, say hello to my viewers (Y/N)" John mentioned, he must have been streaming.

     I deeply inhaled into the mic before screaming. "GAMERS RISE UP" causing John and Jaren to scream. After it subsided I could hear Jaren laughing.

    "Holy fucking shit, that was so loud-"

    "You need to stop watching tik tok videos" John retorted, giving a small chuckle as he said so. 

     "Enough chit chat, let's get ourselves a victory royale so I can quit playing this absolute shit of a dead game. John you need to tell your viewers to gives us better games to play that still get us views" I said, John looking into his chat.

     "The chat says no."

     "You're chat sucks" I chuckle. 

    I heard John scoff through the mic. "Hey guys, so (Y/N) has a channel and she puts out the shittiest content out there and if you're subscribed I think you should-"

     "Your chat is great! Nothing wrong with them everything is fine you guys should totally subscribe to John and Smii7y because they put out great content and I love them!" I forced out, Jaren snickering through the mic.

     "As I was saying, you should subscribe to (y/c/n) she deserves it."

     "Nice work, John" Jaren snickered. 

     About an hour passed and the three of us had won two games and had fucked around for a majority of them, causing us all to die as expected. The session was filled with giggles and screaming at each other, just like it should have. There was the occasional offensive joke but no one in chat seemed to care about it. They mostly came from John. A lot of what he said usually caused me to laugh, but it was one sentence that he read out from chat that caught my attention.

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