fifteen ; taken

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hope you enjoyed the fun while it lasted :)


     After maybe about thirty minutes of cuddling under the covers, we decided it was time to get some work done for the day. I climbed out of bed and put on an oversized black and white sweater and some underwear. I brushed my hair lightly and then headed out into the kitchen to get some breakfast. 

     John had turned the heat up once he noticed that the ground was nicely frosted outside. I drew tiny figures on the condensed window and giggled softly at my work. I shivered softly from standing next to it for a while.

     "I'm cold." I muttered. John looked at what I was wearing and scoffed.

     "Then put on some pants or something." he replied.


     "Why not?"

      I pouted. "The aesthetic."

      John simply chuckled and shook his head. I found a blanket and cuddled myself into it to keep me warm. 

     "You think we'll get snow this year?" I asked quietly.

      John shrugged. "I don't know. We might. Pretty cold everywhere else." He brought over a bowl of cereal for me. I smiled and accepted it before taking a bite out of it. He pulled out his phone and began typing something. This continued for a few minutes before he shut the phone off and placed it on the table. 

      "We're gonna have a guest for a couple of days." he stated.

     I tilted my head a bit. "Really? Who?"

      "Craig. His recording stuff hasn't arrived yet so he'll have to use mine. I kinda wanted to take a couple days off anyway." he replied. 

      I smiled and nodded, "That'll be fun. I haven't seen Sami in a while anyway. Y'know, not ever since..." I didn't bother finishing the sentence.

     I could see John frown a bit but it quickly disappeared. "We're not gonna think about that right now," he said, pulling me in for a hug to which I gladly accepted. A couple of hours had passed and I had been stuck in my office recording and editing, attempting to catch up on the couple of months that I hadn't uploaded.

     I leaned back in my chair and played with the ring that laid on my finger. I smiled softly to myself at the thought of having an actual future with this boy. My thoughts are interrupted from a gentle knock from the door. I turned in my chair to see Samantha. I smiled brightly and ran up to her and gave her a hug. 

     She chuckles a bit and hugs back, "Yeah I'm happy to see you too, (Y/N)."

     I pull away and laugh softly. "Sorry. I just missed you. It's been a long-ass time."

     "It has, besides we could use the relief. Moving all the way from LA to Portland was a bit more stressful than we thought." she said.

     "I can imagine so. How's Craig?" I nudged her lightly, smiling.

     "Oh, we're fine. Doing great actually. So is Yui. We've been driving down with his brother which has honestly been an experience. But enough about us. How have you been holding up?" she asked.

     I shrugged my shoulders gently. "Eh, its life, what do you expect. But I've been doing better. Just went through a couple things, is all. I'll be okay." I replied hesitantly. I started fidgeting with the ring again.

     "What's that?" Sami asked, I looked at her then back at the ring.

     "This? It's a promise ring John gave me. He has a matching one to go along with it." I said.

     Sami smiled. "Aw, that's so great to hear! See what happens when you take my advice?" she  snickered.

     "Yeah, I won't lie, that's probably the best decision I've ever made." I smile. To be fair, it really was. That feeling of being wanted, knowing that there's someone that cares about you. It's nice. I'm happy. 

      From downstairs John and Craig were currently catching up and were eventually gonna go one on one in Mario Kart. Sami and I headed downstairs to go watch the boys go head to head and believe me, that was a ride. John and Mini exchanged playful insults and screams. John hadn't had much experience with the game but he had gotten better over time...somewhat.

     I, on the other hand, am absolutely undefeated in Mario Kart and anyone who even dares try to test me will be crushed in the process and they shall learn their lesson on not to mess with a god. (That's actually a lie I suck at MK Deluxe but im a god at MK Wii and only my boyfriend has ever defeated me at Deluxe)

     Eventually Craig went up to John's recording room and Craig's brother took Sami home to get the house ready. John came down and I decided I needed some fresh air as a change from being inside all day. I went upstairs into the bedroom and grabbed on some leggings, some shoes and a scarf. 

     I went downstairs where John was on his laptop checking on some stuff. He glanced at me for a moment. "Where are you going?" he asked.

    "For a walk. I need a bit of air." I replied.

     He looked out the window, the sun was setting. "Now? It's gonna get dark soon. You sure?"

     "Yeah, just for a bit. I'll be back in about thirty minutes. Forty five tops." I smiled. John sighed and got up to place a soft kiss on my cheek.

     "Fine. Just be careful." he muttered.

     "I will. Love you." I said, returning the kiss. With that I headed out the door. The cold air hit me almost instantly and I let in a deep breath. I walked along the sidewalk, watching the sky turning different colours. 

     Dusk was my favourite time of day. The way that the sun painted the perfect scene across the sky, the clouds turning a hint of pink, blue, and orange. It was perfect. Eventually it started getting darker and I decided to start heading back. I normally didn't stay out when it was dark. I always had a fear of being out in the open at night. Not sure why, just always gave me anxiety towards everything that could happen.

     It got darker faster than I anticipated and at this point the anxiety started settling in. Halfway home I started to get the unsettling feeling that I was being followed. I stopped and looked behind me. Nothing. I let out a soft exhale.

     'You're fine, (Y/N). You're just being paranoid.' I thought to myself. I continued home but the feeling never subsided. At this point I felt my heartbeat increase rapidly and I stopped again to look around. I wanted to yell to see if there was anything there, but no point in getting more of the neighbors to hate me.

    I shook my head and saw the house just ahead. I continued walking forward but something stopped me in my tracks. No. Someone.

    I felt a pair of hands cover my mouth and restrain me. I started to panic and tried my best to get away. The hands never left my mouth and I bit down on them as hard as I could. I heard a cry of pain and quickly ran towards home. I yelled out for John as loud as I could. I wasn't sure if he heard it. 

     I wasn't sure how far I made it before they caught up with me. I called out again. It echoed throughout the neighborhood and I heard a voice that seemed husky and deep urge another person to get me to quiet down. I tried to wrangle myself free but soon tired myself out. I felt a cloth over my mouth and I heard John from the door call out. I tried calling back, but I couldn't make it before everything went black.



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