five ; head over heels

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     The drive home was pretty quiet. I was curled up into the corner of the seat and watched the world go past my eyes as John drove. Jaren wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the situation, he just sat there in the back seat browsing on his phone. John noticed my expression and decided to turn on some music to drain our mind off of things. At first he attempted to play some bbno$ but he noticed I wasn't going a long with it as usual, he paused momentarily before playing my (F/S) through the Bluetooth speakers.

     There was a slight change. I hummed along quietly and mouthed some of the lyrics, which caused him to smile softly. After the song ended I was feeling much better and it resulted in a carpool karaoke for the remainder of the drive home. 

     Upon arriving, we were then faced with a new dilemma to solve: Where Jaren was gonna sleep. John only had one guest room, the one I was now occupying hence I was now living with him. 

      "I'll take the couch" John and I said simultaneously. We glared at each other.

       I shot John a look. "This is your house, you sleep in your room, I sleep on the couch."

      "You're right, this is my  house. Which means I can do and tell you whatever I want. And I say you sleep in my room and I take the couch." John retorted.

     "Uh, I don't think so-" I replied. 

     Jaren looked at us. "Or I could take the couch I mean really don't mind-"

     "No." we both responded, returning to our current conflict.

     "Or you could sleep together." He stated. The both of us stopped instantly.

     I looked at Jaren weirdly. "Excuse me?"

    "Well I mean, you guys have been friends for forever, right? It's not that weird, is it?"

    "True, but still-"

    "Then it's settled then, (Y/N) is sleeping with me" John stated. He looked at me. "Well, if she doesn't mind of course...cause then that'd be weird- I'll stop talking now-"

    "Well, I mean, he's right we have known each other for pretty much our entire life. And what's a few days?" I say, he nods. "Well, in that case, I'll get some of my stuff out. You guys just wait here and chill for a bit." I state, going up the stairs and into the bedroom to move out some stuff I had laying around the room. 


     As (Y/N) left, I heard Jaren scoff and chuckle softly. I looked at him.

     "What's so funny?" I ask him. He places a sly smile on his face.

     "Nothing. Its just that you didn't seem to against the idea of you and (Y/N), y'know." he replies. I shrug him off.

     "Like you said. We're just friends." I retort, going to browse my phone. 

     "For now." He says.

     "What does that mean?" I ask.

     "Oh, I plan on getting you and (Y/N) together. Just you wait and see." he replied. "Give me your phone."

     "Excuse me? I think the fuck not." I said. "You don't even know my password."

     "Yea I do. It's (Y/N)'s birthday." he chuckled. I looked at him unamused. "I knew it."

     "I'm changing that the first chance I get."

     Jaren smirked. "John I don't understand why you keep denying this to yourself. You clearly  like her and she clearly likes you. But the both of you are literally stupid as fuck that you can't even tell"

     "Hey! (Y/N) isn't stupid-" I defended. 

     "So you defend (Y/N), but not yourself? Interesting." He smiled cockily. 

     "That doesn't mean anything."

     "John. You are literally the most self-centered person I have ever seen. Not in a bad way though. I mean, have you seen  your video titles?" He chuckles.

    I hold back a laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about."

     "Oh really? What about 'making my friends feel inferior because they are when matched with me'" he said, reading it off his phone.

     "That's because im a GOD at Tricky Towers." I retorted. He scrolled through more videos through his phone.

     "My point exactly. Now I know I haven't known you as long as (Y/N) has, but I know you well enough to tell when you're not acting yourself." Jaren stated. I was about to continue but (Y/N) came out of the hallway and called out from there.

     "Alright, that's about it. Jaren you can put your stuff in there now." She says. Jaren nods, taking his suitcase and whispering into my ear.

     "Think about what I said. And stop denying to yourself that you like her. Just let things flow naturally." He says, patting my back gently and going upstairs. (Y/N) sat across from me.

     She looked at the two of us and smiled lightly. "Did I miss something, or?" She giggled softly. I unconsciously smiled.

     "Uh, no. Just talking about guy problems n stuff. You wouldn't understand." I teased. She giggled again. It was nice to see her happy again. "You seem much better."

     She nods and smiles. "Yeah, thanks for that, Johnny. I appreciate it."

     "Eh, it was nothing."

     "Not to me. I've never been put into a situation like that. And who knows what could've happened." She frowns a little. I smile softly and go over to her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

     "Well I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. You're safe with me." I lulled. She rested there and I caught Jaren staring from the top of the stairs. He placed a sly smirk on his face but at this point I didn't even mind.

     But in that moment I thought back to what Jaren had said. About me being different. I couldn't exactly tell, but I did know one thing. I was head over heels for this girl.


next scheduled update: tuesday | December 25, 2018


this chapter was kinda crappy so im sorry oof. i was up until 1am writing a song and i've been busy with end of semester stuff so haha rip me. anyway i hope you enjoyed it. love u guys

stay frosty and stay alive



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