Chapter 24

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Achilles didn't return to the house the day of the argument. He didn't return the next day either. By the third morning, Tina was wondering if he was ever coming back. His things were still in his room though so she had hope. 

Later that morning, Tina was in the living room, teaching Nagini. She hadn't seen Newt since they had spoken on the stairs the evening before. She was beginning to wonder what had happened.

Does he hate me now? Did that kiss make him realize he didn't love me? Why won't he talk to me? And why was he covered in blood?

She shook these thoughts from her mind and concentrated on showing Nagini the proper wand motions. Just then, the front door opened and Achilles came into the house. He slammed the door shut behind him and strode into the room. He looked much calmer than the last time Tina had seen him and he grinned at her good-naturedly.

"Hello, Tina," he said, holding her arms open for her. She stepped forward slowly. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back, hoping he wasn't still upset. They finally pulled apart.

"You came back," Tina breathed.

"You said the kiss meant nothing and I decided to trust you," Achilles said. "We're going to go on a date. I'm taking you out to dinner tonight." He kissed her again and started towards the stairs. Just before he reached it, he turned and added, "Oh, and wear a dress. You're always wearing pants." He grinned and made his way up the stairs.

Tina groaned the moment he was out of sight.

"What's wrong?" Nagini asked.

"I hate dresses," Tina moaned. "I don't even have any here. I only own a few and they're all back in New York. The only clothes I have here are the ones I've made or bought just because I needed clothes."

"Why don't you ask Newt to take you somewhere you can get a dress?" Nagini suggested.

Tina shook her head. "No, I -- I can't. He's avoiding me. I could ask Bunty. She lives in London too. She'd know where I could get a dress."

Nagini laughed. "No, you can't. She's not here. She's visiting her parents and she's not coming back until tomorrow. Remember?"

Tina sighed. "Yeah. I know."

"Just go ask Newt. He'll take you. I'm sure he will," the girl insisted.

Tina ran a hand through her hair. She had given herself a haircut the day before and was still trying to readjust to the slightly shorter length. "Fine," she muttered. She slipped her wand into her pocket and started towards the door to the basement.

She descended the stairs and glanced around the basement. The door to Newt's office was closed. She grabbed the handle and twisted it. It turned and the door swung open. Newt sat at his desk. His head was bent over his work and he was writing intently. As she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, he looked up. He scrambled to his feet.

"Tina," he murmured. "What are you doing here?"

Tina looked down and blushed. "I -- I needed to ask a favor."

"Well, what is it?" he asked gently.

"Achilles came back and asked me out on a date. The thing is, he wants me to wear a dress. I don't have a dress."

"What do you want me for?"

"I need someone who knows London who can take me somewhere where I can buy a dress," Tina said sheepishly.

She thought she heard Newt sigh.

"Alright," he said. "Give me a moment."

Tina glanced up. Newt was rearranging things on his desk. He straightened everything then came around to join her. They made their way out of the basement and to the front door. Tina grabbed her coat and pulled it on. Newt did the same. Then he opened the door and motioned for her to go through. He followed after her, shutting the door behind him. Tina watched as he came down the steps. Grabbing her by the wrist, he Disapparated, releasing her the moment they appeared in an alley.

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