Chapter 25

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Newt was woken up by the sound of the clock chiming. It was one in the morning. He shifted uncomfortably. He had fallen asleep in a chair in the living room. Groaning, he pushed himself upright, ran a hand through his hair, and set the book he had been reading on the table. 

I should have stayed on the couch, he thought sleepily.

He heard the door open. There was the slight rustle of what Newt recognized to be Tina's coat. A moment later, the woman herself appeared in the room. She was keeping her head down and was walking quickly across the room.

"Tina," he called, scrambling to his feet.

Tina stopped. Her back was to him. She didn't turn.

"Tina, where's Tolliver?" he asked.

She didn't respond. She just shook her head slowly.

"Tina?" Newt was getting nervous.

Tina turned slightly. Newt could now see the right side of her face. She had been crying. Newt gasped quietly.

What happened to her? What did Tolliver do?

Newt approached her slowly. He raised his hand and rested it on her back. She quickly turned and pressed her face to his chest, pulling him into a hug. She clung to him, her tears staining his shirt. He held her close. One hand rested on her head, gently stroking her hair. The other rested flat on her back, his thumb rubbing up and down gently.

"Tina," he murmured. "Tina . . . shh. It's okay. Everything is okay. You're safe here. You're safe."

Tina was still crying. Newt continued murmuring things in her ear until her tears slowed.

"Tina, what happened?" he asked quietly. "What happened to you?"

She still didn't respond. She just shook her head slightly. Newt shifted his hands, placing one on each of her shoulders. He pushed her away from him and studied her. She kept her head bent and he could only see the right side of her face. Something about the position of her jaw scared him. Her mouth hung slightly open, her jaw in an unnatural position.

Newt gently placed two fingers under her chin and raised her head. She gasped, a look of immense pain crossing her face. He gasped as well. The left side of her face was bruised.

He instantly knew what had happened. Tolliver had slapped her. Anger filled him. He wanted to hurt Tolliver, to make him pay for what he did to Tina. But he knew this wasn't the right time. Tina was in pain and she needed him right now. Tolliver wasn't here at the moment. He couldn't do anything else to her.

"Tina, are you alright?" he asked. He knew she wasn't but he was more interested in seeing how she would respond. She hesitated then shook her head slowly. He frowned slightly. "Can you speak?"  She shook her head again.

Newt sighed and pulled her back into a hug, resting the right side of her face against his chest. He pulled out his wand and rested its tip on her left temple. Then he slowly traced it down the side of her face and along her jaw, murmuring a healing spell. The bruise faded and she opened her mouth further. She shifted her jaw slightly then closed her mouth.

"Tina, what happened?" he murmured.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Newt sighed. "I know. I won't make you tell me." He led Tina to the couch and took a seat. She sat down as well, practically in his lap, and curled up against him. He held her close and let her cry. 

Looking down at her, he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her tears away and tell her how he felt: tell her he loved her and hope she'd return the same sentiments. But he knew he couldn't. Not now. She was upset and she was still confused. Saying this would just add to her confusion. He couldn't tell her now if he wanted her to calm down. She wasn't crying at the moment but she was still upset.

"Newt," Tina said presently.

"Hmm." Newt looked down at her, she was staring up at him.

"Stay with me," she murmured. 

He raised his hand to her cheeks, brushing away her tears.

"If you want," he said.


Newt couldn't stop himself. He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Of course."

A/N: The last chapter was so long that I don't feel too bad about making this one as short as it is. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible.

Have a good day!


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