Chapter 33

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Newt held Tina closer to him. Her head was nestled in the crook of his neck and her arms were around his waist, her hands tucked between him and the chair. They had been sitting there for nearly an hour, neither of them saying anything. 

Newt was beginning to wonder if Tina had fallen asleep. He shifted slightly so he could look down and see her face. She looked up at him, a peaceful expression on her face.

I have been acting differently around her, he realized. But I can't help it. I'm just so nervous. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't made that promise to Nagini.

Tina yawned, moving a hand from behind him to cover her mouth.

"We should go to bed," Newt murmured.

"Can't we stay here?"

"No, Tina. We need to sleep. Tomorrow's Christmas."

Tina sighed, moving her arms to wrap around his neck.

"I don't want to move," she mumbled.

Newt chuckled. He shifted himself out from underneath her and struggled to his feet. Her arms were still around his neck and she was refusing to let go. Laughing slightly, he scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. When they reached the hallway, he set her down in front of her door.

"Good night, Tina," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Good night," she mumbled sleepily.

Newt watched as she entered her room, shutting the door behind her. He turned started to open his door. Then he hesitated. He quickly made his way down to the basement and pulled open a drawer in his desk. He reached into the back of it, pulling out the package that sat there.

He tugged the knotted string loose and gently pushed the brown paper away to reveal a blue and gold book. He grabbed a quill and dipped it in a bottle of ink. Carefully lifting the cover he moved to sign the book. Then he hesitated.

What do I say?

His eyes flickered up to the dedication.

This book is dedicated to Bunty, for taking care of my creatures while I was away researching information for my book; to Jacob Kowalski and Queenie Goldstein, for the help they provided me in New York and for showing me how important it is to have friends; and especially to Tina Goldstein, the most amazing person I have ever met. This I doubt this book would exist if not for her.

He had been so nervous as he wrote that. He hadn't been sure if he had been overstepping his bounds. Now he knew Tina wouldn't mind it but she might have when the book was released.

Newt lowered the quill to the page and slowly began to write.

This copy belongs to Tina Goldstein, the most beautiful and amazing woman I've ever met, and the only woman I've ever loved.

I know you can get through this, Tina. You are a very strong woman, you can handle anything. I hope you never doubt yourself and remember that I love you with my whole heart.

Newt Scamander

Newt read through the message. When he was satisfied that there were no mistakes, he closed the book and wrapped it up again. He pulled out his wand and transfigured the heavy brown paper into slightly thinner green paper. Then he transfigured the string into a red ribbon, tying it into a bow and attaching a tag with Tina's name on it. He made his way back up to his room, dropping the package under the tree with the other presents as he passed.

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