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Hiya guys, Thank you so much tooooo:




You guys are amazing! I applaud you for your highly supportive comments.

Unfortunately,  @DarkPerseus just told me now that he didn't want to be excluded from the author's group. Let me explain:

DarkPerseus is my cousin who I recently introduced Wattpad to. He wanted my help to come up with a story. So I suggested we do a co-author and discuss ideas. Originally this was on his account and he let me log in to his to update on the Son Of Neptune.  last night he told me through chat that he didn't want the story and gave it to me and he said I could keep it. This morning he told me that I had said that on his account to cheat him when I didn't in the first place.  I told him I didn't because I always log off his once I've updated and back onto mine to see my stuff.  I have offered that we do a co-author but only if he actually helps out instead of just taking 50% credit for my work. So I can't update for some time until he replies and I'm REALLY SORRY about that.

@DarkPerseus. Stop hating on me and the story.  Especially MY FOLLOWERS. If you have a problem with me it goes directly to me and only me.  I'm  honestly fed up of you blaming me for everything. And if you have such an issue with your account, just change your password ! Someone else has hacked into your account, not me.

And I'm really sorry to everyone who's really enjoying this but if this continues I may have to shutdown the story completely.  Again SO SORRY.

- TheAnnabethJackson

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