Types of witches - things to do

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So this is basically just ideas for certain types of witches. To say that you can't do this type of magick because your a certain type of witch is complete bullshit.

It's just some ideas for types of witches. And again you don't need to be any of these types of witches. This is purely for fun. ❤️

Storm witch

•Listen to lightning and storms to meditate
•Cast spells during storms
•Create storms
•Use the wind to get rid of certain unwanted energies

Sea witch

•Listen to waves crashing to meditate
•Have an altar that is purely made of items from the ocean
•Listen to whale sounds to sleep
•Astral project to the ocean or beach

Art witch

•Enchant colored pencils to not wear down
•Paint sigils into your art

Hedge witch

•Astral project when your bored
•Communicate with creatures on the astral plane

Modern, City witch

•Grow plants in plastic cups
•Use a ouiji bored
•Go to the park, forest, or a botanical garden when you need to be in nature
•Grow plants in your apartment
•Buy crystals off of Amazon

Kitchen witch

•Hang plants from the ceiling in the kitchen
•Cook with intensions

Eclectic witch

•Combine different types of witchcraft
•Do research on different types of witchcraft

Solitary witch

•Read books
•Go online

Space, lunar, moon, sun, star witch ✨

•Stay up watching the stars
•Draw power from stars, constellations, moon
•Astral project to see aliens
•Watch a meteor shower

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