What is sea witchcraft?Use of the sea in your craft. The energy for spells and rituals is the sea and other types of water. Sea witches may also work with entities associated with the sea, like deities, spirit animals, and water creatures, like mermaids.
Sea magick is a solitary craft. You don't find 'sea covens' easily. Therefore, sea magick is practiced alone. You initiate yourself into the craft. You do what you want with your craft.
Practitioners of sea magick call themselves sea witches or sea priestesses. Sea witches usually are more inclined towards spell casting and traditional witchcraft. Sea priestesses work more with meditation and journeys. Your craft is your craft. You can call yourself what you want and do what you want.
How to start?
Everyone has their own style in witchcraft. You can do whatever you want. Some sea witches just recognize they are one. You may be compelled by the sea, in love with seashells, secretly wished you were a mermaid, would rather be at the sea, or just know you are one. Don't overthink it.
Sea witchcraft is all about living it. You experience it to understand it and what it is about. There are books out there (I don't know which ones, you'll have to research) to help you. You can't learn it without experimentation and trial and error.
You don't need to live by the sea to practice sea witchcraft or to be a sea witch. The term is being landlocked. It means you don't live near the sea. Any water in your area can be used as a source of energy for your spells. Establish a connection to the sea, whether that be physical in the water or visually. You can create a sea sanctuary in your mind and visit it to perform spells and rituals if you want.
Tools to practice with
Sea shells
Sea weed
Sea water
Glass bottles
RopeBook of tides
If you come across the term 'book of tides' don't worry. It's the same thing as a book of shadows. The only difference is that it is dedicated to sea witchcraft.
If you practice sea witchcraft along with other witchcrafts, you may want to dedicate a section of your book of shadows to sea magick.
Sea altar
You can make an altar completely dedicated to sea witchcraft, sea deities, etc. Some things to add to it would be sea shells, sea water, etc. Anything related to the sea.
Sea tides meanings
When the tide is coming in • attract, bring something new, create
High tide • spells are reinforced
When the tide is going off • destroy, let go, release, get rid of
Low tide • introspection, meditation, goal setting, journeying
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