AriesFire witch
Focuses on the fire element
Does a lot of work involving candles, burning, etcTaurus
Green witch
Based on the use of herbs and plants in magick
Natural and earth basedGemini
Crystal witch
Works with stones, crystals, gemstones
Most likely deals with chakrasCancer
Kitchen witch
Magick centered in the kitchen
Incorporates magick into cooking and bakingLeo
Lunar witch
Attunes to and honors moon cycles and phases
Works more often at nightVirgo
Forest witch
Lives in forest
Bases craft in woodsLibra
Music witch
Magick deeply rooted in magick
Has a connection with soundScorpio
Nocturnal witch
Embraces darker energies
Very connected with nighttime
Does most work at nightSagittarius
Storm witch
Combines their energy with the weather
Collects elements like rainwater, snow, etcCapricorn
Astronomy witch
Aligns magick with stars and planets
May practice astrologyAquarius
Divination witch
Works with divination
Tarot readings, tea leaf readings, etcPisces
Sea witch
Uses the ocean in their craft
Collects sea water, seashells, salt water, etc
RandomWelcome witches! 🔮 ✨ This is basically an online book of shadows. It has a lot of stuff for witches. Like ideas for supplies, ingredients, elements represented, tips, book of shadows ideas, etc. I have another witchcraft story for beginner witche...