Chapter 2: "Lets make a bet!"

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"Hey Hyesoo! You're here early." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, because i had to."

"And why is that?"

"Hmmm.. nothing!"

"Is it about your brother?"

"Ha! How did you know?"

"Duhhh.. you always fight with your brother.."

"Nah whatever. Let's go to class."

You headed to your classroom then sat on your chair. You forgot to get your textbook in Science and you had to get up again and took that book from your locker.

You were already heading back to class but then you heard something around the corner. You heard a little scream of a girl. You saw a boy gripping the girl's wrist. It seemed like the girl was struggling to escape and you thought to help her but you also thought at the same time that you would be late in class. You didnt know what to do.

You decided to watch them but when you turned your head again, you saw the boy taking the girl to a room. You secretly followed them and headed to the room.

When you sneaked in the room, you saw Taehyung giving the girl a small box. Your eyes widen in shock. The girl opened up the box and you saw whats inside it. Its a small cute necklace that would really fit her. You're really jealous from the situation right now but you thought its none of your business then decided to head back to class.

"Ms. Park! Where have you been that you are late in my class?" The teacher said.

"Oh, Im sorry Mr. Shin. I just left my book in the locker but then my tummy hurts so I directly went to the clinic to get some medicine." You lied to your teacher

"I see.. You can sit now."

"Thanks sir."

You sat on your seat and the teacher just continued his lesson. While sitting, Jungkook looked at you confused but he already know that your tummy didn't hurt because he knows your every gesture. He knows if you are lying or not, and he thought your excuses are very lame for him.

It was lunch time then you decided to eat what Jungkook wants to eat. You sat on the table then he questioned you out.

"So tell me what really happened.." Jungkook smirked while asking you.

"Huh?" you raised your eyebrows in confusion.


"Oh, my tummy just hurt"

"You know very well Hyesoo that you make very lame excuses when you lie."

"Uggghhhh... Okay okay.. Its true that I left my book on the locker but then i heard a girl's scream. I saw a boy gripping the girl on her wrist then I decided to follow them, but when I turned my head again, I didn't found them already and decided to get back to class so thats why." You lied again but luckily, Jungkook believed what you said this time..

"Oh really.. hmmm.. Okay whatever let's just eat lunch."


It was PE time and you are finished changing into your PE uniform. You got out from the restroom then head out to the gym for the practicing of basketball.

"So didn't I said yesterday that we'll be having a pair practice for the basketball? Today, the boys will join us because their teacher is sick and he couldn't come here to school so I'll be their substitute teacher for today." Your PE teacher said.

"Lets get ready! Lets do a boy and girl pair today. I prepared a rolled paper with the names of girls here in my mug and the boys will pick out a rolled paper then open it and the name of the girl in the paper he picked will be his pair. So all boys, make a one line!"

You are nervous of who will be your partner is but just hoped he is a good basketball player so that it will be easy for the two you to practice. All the boys have already a paper then read out who will be their partners. While you were waiting, you felt a light tap on your shoulders.Same tap from yesterday that you felt after wiping your sweats all over your body.

"Hi Hyesoo! Seems like you will be my partner for today."

Your eyes widen in shock. It was Taehyung again. You felt happy but at the same time a little mad because of what you saw earlier.

The two of you practiced dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball. So far, so good. Taehyung is now in his position to shoot the ball and you were there to block him, but instead, you tripped and twisted your ankle.

"Ahhh.." you screamed not really loud.

"Hyesoo are you okay?"

"Im okay.."

You were getting up but you can't get up because of your twisted ankle. He carried you like a bridal style. You were shocked from the situation but at same time flustered from what he did. He carried you towards the clinic to give you medicine for your ankle. The eyes of the students were on to the two of you.

"Be careful next time.." he said while the nurse is putting some bandages in your ankle.

"Got it! But um Taehyung, i have a question."

The nurse headed out and the two of you were left in the room. Taehyung looked at you confused for what you will ask him.

"W-why do you d-date so many girls?" You said stuttering, nervous to his answer.

"Why? Wanna date me?"

You were shocked from what he said, and you don't know what to reply. It made you go blush and made your cheeks turn to red like a tomato. You stayed silent and you couldn't even move a little.

"Silent means yes baby.."

"W-what? N-no..."

"Ohhh.. Its my first time hearing a girl rejected me.. Ouchhh.."

"Uh umm.."

"Wait, i have a call.."

You wanted to listen to him and his caller's conversation so you stayed there and listened.

"Oh hey Sana!"
"Oh wait, is this Hana?"
"Umm.. Bona?"

"Wahhh.. what a playboy." You thought inside your mind. You could hear the girl in the phone yelling.

"Umm, Bye!" Taehyung said and hung up the call.

"Wahh.. Do you really date girls that many that you'd forget their names?" You said to him.

"Well, its not my fault that they fall for me." He replied and then gave me a sexy eye wink.

"Wow.. Kim Taehyung" Your crush on him was rising up then going down at the same time because of the situation.

"I would rather date the nerdest guy in the whole campus than you." You said to him.

"Oh really?" Taehyung smirked.

"Of course!" You said confidently to him.

"Well then let's make a bet!" Taehyung said while smirking.



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