Chapter 9: The Kiss

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"W-what?" You said confused.


"Uh, w-what do you m-mean by losing the bet?" You asked him.

"Umm.. I k-know that I-im a playboy Hyesoo and do have a l-lot of girlfriends b-but... but I want to c-change for you." He said to you stuttering.


"I.... I t-think I like you H-hyesoo.." He said to you while staring at your eyes worriedly of what you'll say to him. But Taehyung continued.

"And... a-and I think I lose the b-bet.. I grant you a wish.. so what is your w-wish?"

"Umm... T-taehyung.. I h-have also something else to s-say to you "

"Uhh, w-what is t-that?" He asked you confusely.

"Umm.. I... I also k-kinda like you a b-bit."

"W-what???" Taehyung asked you while smiling very widely.

"Can you repeat it?" Taehyung asked you while smirking evilly.

"Uhhh.. Taehyung!"

"Hahaha! I guess we both lose the bet so we need to grant each other a wish.. Say to me your wish first."

"Oh umm.. do you remember what I said to you when we both were dealing about the bet?"


"Well then lets make a bet!" Taehyung said while smirking.


"I'll make you fall for me in 2 weeks"

"Ha! Confident dear?" You said to him, thinking he would never win.

"Hmm.. if you fall for me in the last day of the 2nd week or earlier, then you'll have to grant me a wish."

"Hahaha! Deal! And if I won't, you'll be the one to grant my wish."

"But i-"

"No buts! And if I will win, my wish for you is to break up with all your girlfriends and date again BUT, one at a time which a proper boyfriend would do... Deal?" You said in a confident tone.

"Deal!" Taehyung said in no time.


"Of course I still remem- wait, what?" Taehyung said to you woth a widened eyes.

"Hahaha! So that is my wish.."

"Okay fine, so now its my turn."

"So what is your wish?"

You asked Taehyung and waited for his answer. He is still glaring at you and after a few seconds..

"Huh?!!? Tae-"

He cutted you by kissing you deeply but softly. You were shocked by his sudden action. His left hand gripped your waist while the right one gripped your hands to prevent you from escaping. The both of you were in the corner of the room of the Ferriswheel.

It was coincidence that while the both of you kissed, your room were at the most top of the Ferriswheel. The kiss became hot and rough and Taehyung sped up his pace while you just followed his lips. The both of you needed to breath so you pulled out together while breathing heavily.

Your cheeks burned and turned like a tomato after the both of you pulled out. You were embarrassed but at the same time, also happy because at last, you kissed your crush for 4 years. You were staring at Taehyung and Taehyung was staring at you. It was very awkward and silent and you decided to break out the silence.

"Umm T-taehyung, I think we n-need to get out now.."

"Uh okay, lets wait for our r-room to get down on place."

You waited until the both of you finally got out from the ferriswheel. When you both got off, you were walking turning your head left to right to find Jungkook.

"Umm Taehyung, lets find Jungkook."


Both of you were trying to find Jungkook but suddenly, you bumped out to a person.

"Ohh Im very sor-"


"Oh Jungkook! There you are.."

"Where did you and Taehyung go? I was finding the both of you but I couldn't find you."

"Oh, we were just walking and ate something.."

"Without me?"

"Umm.. s-sorry about that.. Its because you were vomiting so much because of the rollercoaster ride."

"Hehehe.. but, where is Taehyung?"

"Oh right.. Where is he? Wait, I'll message him."


You: Umm Taehyung, where are you?

I went home first :Taehyung

You: Huh? Why?

I just wanted to :Taehyung

You: Oh well, okay..


"So what did Taehyung said?" Jungkook asked you.

"He said he went home first"

"Huh? Why would he?"

"I don't know.."

"Lets just also go home."


Both of you and Jungkook walked home together then soon arrived to your home. You go directly to your room and washed up. For you, today was a very tiring day. Especially because there are many things happened to the three of you.

You woke up and realized its another day. You do the same morning routine you do everyday. You go downstairs to eat breakfast and prepare for school. You were eatimg your breakfast but then, your mother started to speak up.

"So who is the lucky boy?"

"Huh?" You said to your mom.

"Is it Jungkook or Taehyung?" Your mom said to you while smirking.

"Ughhh Mom!"

"Just kidding! But I like Jungkook more dear.."

"Hmmm.. why?"

"Nothing.. Its just because he has more charms than Taehyung. But I also like Taehyung. But, whoever you will pick between the two of them, I will wish you a better luck and I will always support you."

"Thanks mom.. But why are you even saying that to me? We are just friends.. Jungkook is my bestfriend and Taehyung...."

"Taehyung is your??"

"Umm.. H-he is m-my... my c-close friend of course.."

"Are you sure dear?"

"Yes! I m-mean, of course.."

"Hehehe, just eat your breakfast and hurry up go to school.."

"Okay mom!"

You finished your breakfast and walked away to go to school.  You finally reached at the school and go to your locker to get out your textbooks. When you entered the room, your seat was full of gifts and a bouquet. You were shocked and confused of who did this but then you saw a small card beside the bouquet. You read the writings on the card and your eyes widened in shock.


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