Chapter 6: Relationship

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"Aiisshhhh!! How can I call him oppa with Jungkook? Its very awkward..." You thought to yourself while the boys bought some icecream.

"Here Hyesoo.. Your icecream.." Taehyung said while smirking.

"Umm thanks Tae-"

"Did I hear something? I think I would be the winner for the bet now.. Someone will gra-"

"T-THANK YOU O-OPPA." You shouted at him immediately but stuttering. You felt so embarrassed of what you said. Your eyes moved to Jungkook whom was very jealous to the two of you especially when you called him "oppa".

"Good girl!" Taehyung ruffled your hair walking away leaving both of you and Jungkook alone.

"Aisshhhhh! I hate this!" You said to yourself

"Umm H-hyesoo..." Jungkook said to you


"Ummm.. D-do you even l-like me?" Jungkook said stuttering.

"Um Jungkook.. You know, ummm.. Yeah.. I like you.."

"Ha?" Jungkook smiled to himself

"Umm.. I-i.. I really really like you, especially because we are bestfriends since childhood.. You k-know what I m-mean?" You said not surely.

"Oh yeah.. Sort of.." Jungkook's smile fade away and turn his head to other side.

It seemed like Jungkook didn't want what he heard from your answer. You didn't even realize you said that to Jungkook. It maybe hurted him to much right now. Jungkook was now speeding up his pace leaving you behind.

"Aiishhh.. Jungkook was my bestfriend, but now he really likes me that much.." you thought to yourself.

The day ended and it went good.


It was school day now and you woke up due to the alarm. You heades ro bathroom again and do your morning routine. Same as usual. Wash your hair, brush your teeth, etc. You prepared your things then go downstairs. You ate your breakfast then bid goodbye to your mom.

"Bye mom!" You said.

"Bye dear!" Your mom replied.

You walked and walked till you reached your school. When you are about to enter, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You were about to turn your head but the boy kissed you unexpectedly on your cheeks. You were very shocked then turned your head to the boy.


"Annyeong Hyesoo! Lets head to class" Jungkook said to you.

You were very very very very very very very very 100x shocked of what Jungkook did to you. But at the same time, you also felt your cheeks burning. The both of you walked to class while Jungkook's hand was still on your shoulder.

When you entered the room, Taehyung was there sitting, burying his head in the table. He soon raised his head and watched you and Jungkook sat together in the seat.

Taehyung's eyes were full of jealousy and madness of what he saw. The class started and you were very bored. The teacher's lesson is very boring but luckily, it ended early.

It was recess time and you wanted to go to the canteen alone, but its the opposite because dragged you before you could go to the canteen. He gripped your wrist and dragged you somewhere. The both of you entered an empty room. Maybe an old classroom.

"A-ahhh, Taehyung! My wrist!" You said to him but he just ignored it and continued to grip your wrist.

"OUCH!" You yelled when Taehyung pinned you against the wall, hitting your back painfully.

"Why did you let him kiss you?" Taehyung said in a high tone. You were shocked that he actually saw what Jungkook did to your cheeks earlier.

"Y-you saw t-that?"

"Yes! I saw that.."

"Umm.. He just kissed me improperly outside the gate and it also shocked me Tae-"

"Stop explaining Hyesoo.. tell me why did you let that happen and also why did you let Jungkook's hand in your shoulder." Taehyung cutted you.

"T-taehyung.. I-its because he is my bes-... Wait... why am I saying this to you when we don't have any relationship?"

You shouted quickly and confidently to Taehyung which made his eyes widen in shock of what you said. Taehyung didn't know what to say and besides, he thought that you are right. You don't have any kind of relationship. You just made a bet. That's all. You forcefully moved your hands away from Taehyung then walked out from the room leaving Taehyung alone.

Taehyung sighed. He was very shocked from the sudden act and it made him felt his heart broke into pieces. "Why am I feeling this? Why did my heart broke into pieces when I heard her said that we don't have any relationship? Is it possible that...... t-that I-im in l-love with her?" Taehyung thought to himself while sighing.

When you walked out to the room, you felt sorry for Taehyung to what you've done. You regretted shouting to him with that painful words. But you thought that would he be hurt to what you said? Maybe he just accepted that because he doesn't even have any feelings for you. The both of you just made a bet and nothing more than that. You continued to walk and sighed. But little did you know that Taehyung was really in love with you especially right now.

While you were walking, you accidentally bumped into a person.

"Oh! Umm sor-"

"Oh hey Hyesoo!"

"Oh hey Jungkook.."

"Why are you sad? Did something happened?"

"Hmmm nothing."

"Ohhh umm, s-sorry.."

"Huh? Sorry for what?"

"Because of earlier. When i kis-"

"Yah! Shhhhhh! Its okay.. I forgive you"

"Reallyyyy??" Jungkook jumped out and hugged you quickly. You were because of this but there is still a small sadness left because of what you did to Taehyung a while ago.


"Class dismissed!"

The teacher said. You decided to chill out after school and go to a cafe to refreshen out your mind and reduce stress. You prepared your things and went directly to the cafe. You were not expecting something and just ordered.

"Umm, one Caramel Machiatto please.."

When you finished ordering, you checked your bag to get your wallet but it turned out that you left your wallet in the school.

"Oh gosh... Umm.. Miss.. Can you cancel my order? I just le-"

"Same order as her please. I'll pay for her." The person behind your back said.

"Thank you sir. Here is your change." The cashier said.

You were about to turn your head to see the person and thank him but......


"Hi baby!" Taehyung said to you.


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