Chapter 7: Two boys?

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"Hi baby!" Taehyung said to you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked him out confused why he payed your order.

"Oh umm... Yeah! You forgot your wallet in the room so I followed you here"

"HI BABYYYY!!" A girl somewhere suddenly shouted.

"Oh, Bona..." Taehyung said to the girl.

You didn't expect that Taehyung would come back to his playboy attitude again. "Well, a playboy is always a playboy... Duh!" You thought to yourself. The cashier had already the two Caramel Machiatto. She handed it to Taehyung.

"Oh babe, is that for the two of us?" The girl asked Taehyung.

"No babe, only for you."

"Huh? But the other one, whose is that?"

"Its hers." Taehyung pointed at you. He then gave you the other Caramel Machiatto.

"Who is she babe?"

"Just my friend.."

"Oh okay, lets sit now!"

They walked and find a table, same as you but in a different table. You were supposed to chill and reduce your stress here but it seemed that it just added more stress in your mind. You saw the girl handed her drink to Taehyung and Taehyung drank it. You became bitter. You raised your eyebrows in disgust but also had a small jealousy over them. You then turned your head to the other side.

You were drinking your drink but a person tapped your shoulder. You moved your head upwards to see the person and it was Jungkook.

"Hey Hyesoo!"

"Hey Jungkook.."

"Why are you drinking here alo-?" Jungkook saw Taehyung and the girl about to kiss and you were so curious about where Jungkook is staring at. You were about to turn your head towards the table of Taehyung but shockingly, Jungkook kissed you immediately to prevent you from looking at Taehyung and the girl which he called "Bona".

Your eyes widened from the sudden act that Jungkook made. His lips touched yours. His lips were fluffy and soft. You felt blushed and Jungkook saw that. You felt really really embarrassed right now. You tried to pull out but Jungkook refused.

"Umm J-jung-"


Jungkook kissed you back then suddenly fastened his pace in your kiss and you just also respond to it. You followed Jungkook's pace as the kiss turned more hot and rough.

Jungkook was happy that you responded to his kiss and also followed his pace as the both of you were in a hot situation right now. After a few seconds, You and Jungkook pulled out together then realized what he had done. He just stole your first kiss from you. You seemed sad but at the same time, happy that it was your bestfriend who stole your first kiss.

Both you and Jungkook were breathing heavily while shy to each other. You stand up and quickly got out embarrassely from the cafe leaving Jungkook alone. Little did you know that Taehyung saw all of that act the both of you and Jungkook had made. It made him very angry and jealous. After you walked out at the cafe, Taehyung stood up and walked to the table where Jungkook is. He dragged him outside by pulling his collar. Taehyung dragged him and pushed him against the wall.

"What are you trying to do with Hyesoo huh?" Taehyung's eyes were full of jealousy and anger.

"I-im just s-saving and p-preventing her from watching the b-both of you and y-your girlfriend k-kiss." Jungkook said while Taehyung choked him.

"What? For your information, we were not about to kiss idiot!" Taehyung shouted to him. He moved his hand away from Jungkook but still filled with anger.

"The next time I saw you kissing Hyesoo, I'll not hesitate to beat you up immediately! Watch out you b*tch!" Taehyung yelled to him then soon slapped his face. Taehyung walked out leaving Jungkook alone again.


You were in your bed lying. You remembered Jungkook kissing you earlier and it made you more blushed. His lips touching yours kept flashing in your mind that made you go crazy. Something flashed again in your mind reminding you when You were trying to pull out from the kiss but Jungkook refused and continued to kiss.

'"Umm J-jung-"


"Ahhhhhhh!! Why did I kissed him? I know he stole my first kiss now but, his lips are very soft and fluffy.." you said to yourself but soon realized what you've said.

"Aiiisshh! What are you thinking Hyesoo? You are still innocent! Gosh!" You shouted to yourself.

You were about to sleep when your phone rang. You looked to your phone then saw the caller id which is Taehyung. You just ignored it and get to te bed to sleep.


You woke up thinking you had class today but just remembered that you don't have any class today because of the Exam for college students.

You are so scared and nervous thinking if Taehyung and Jungkook are here again in your house. You washed up and prepared. You walked downstairs carefully to see if they are here but luckily, today they are not here.

"Ahhhhhh... A nice and warm day! No more annoying people to annoy me!" You said while finding your mom. You didn't see your mom so you decided to ask your brother who is in the living room.

"Yah Jimin! Do you saw mom?"

"Yeah I saw her..... yesterday." he said while sticking out his tongue to you.

"AHHHHHH! JIMIN! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU ONE DAYYYYYY!!!" you shouted to your brother angrily. He was running upstairs and you followed him. You were about to catch him but he entered his room quickly and locked up.


"Sure! If you can! Hahahaha!" Your brother said sarcastically while laughing inside his room.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!! AIISHHHHHHH!" You gave up and left him. Just then, you heard the door opened and thought it was your mom. You walked downstairs quickly.

"Moooommm! Is that youuu?" You asked out of the blue.

"Ahhh.. Thanks for helping me bring my groceries boys! I really like your both attitude! One of you should win my daughter's heart!" Your mom said.

"Sure aunty!" The two boys said together.

"Huh?" You were confused of who were your mom talking to, but soon realized there were also two boys who entered your house.


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