Chapter 8: Ferriswheel

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"Huh?" You said but soon realized there are also two boys that entered your house.

"Oh, hi dear! I just came back from buying groceries and these two boys of yours helped me out. Thanks to them..." your mom said while your eyes widen when you saw Jungkook and Taehyung helping your mom in her groceries.

"J-jungkook? T-taehyung?" You asked them shockingly.

"Oh hey Hyesoo! Good morning" Jungkook said.

"Hi Hyesoo.." Taehyung also said.

"Oh yeah! The three of you should enjoy and chill out today since you don't have any class. Come here Hyesoo! I'll give you some money."

"But mom!"

"Taehyung, Jungkook, go out with Hyesoo today and have fun! You can go to a park, mall, or maybe amusement park.. I already gave money to Hyesoo, and Hyesoo prepare now."


"Sure Aunty! Me and Jungkook will take care of Hyesoo, right Jungkook?" Taehyung glanced at Jungkook.

"Oh, umm yeah! Sure.." Jungkook replied that made your eyes widen in shock that they agreed to what your mom said.

"So its settled! The three of you, chill out and take care while me and Jimin will have a mother and son bonding together.. Bye guysss! And boys, take care of Hyesoo!"

"Sure Aunty!" Taehyung said.

"Bye Aunty!" Jungkook also said.

"Ughhh.. Bye mom.." You said to your mom forcefully.

"Bye!" Your mom replied.

The three of you were walking away from your house. Jungkook and Taehyung glanced at each other then soon also continued to walk.

"Lets eat first." Jungkook said out of the blue.

"Where should we eat?" You asked Jungkook.

"Anywhere you like. Where do you like to eat?" Jungkook asked you but Taehyung answered for you.

"There!" Taehyung pointed at a restaurant. It seemed like an expensive restaurant.

"Umm but Taehyung, i think its expensive there..." you said to Taehyung.

"Its okay.. My treat.." Taehyung said in no time.

"Really? Oh thanks bro!" Jungkook said to Taehyung while smiling widely.

You arrived at the restaurant and ate the food. The three of you were very full and decided to walk along. It was 5pm and you decided to go to the amusement park.

"Lets go to the amusement park!" You said cheerfully to the both of them. You hold both of their hands and dragged them going to the amusement park.

"Huh? But Hye-" Jungkook said.

"Pweeaaseee?? Even just todayyyy!" You said while doing aegyo.

"Ughhh okay.." Jungkook replied.

The three of you arrived at the amusement park. You payed at the entrance fee.. You entered the amusement park and walked along while finding what to play/ride.

"I want to play that!" You said while pointing at a small stall where you are going to pop the balloons using darts. Each balloons have a prizes on it and some of it doesn't have any..

You bought 3 darts and luckily, you also popped out 3 balloons. The two of them has prizes and the one had none. The two prizes you got were cute minnie mouse headband and hello kitty headband.

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