Chapter 5: Call me oppa

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Today was Monday but you have no classes today because its rest day so you decided to go out and chill. You headed to the bathroom to wash and brush your teeth and prepare your things.

You wear a nice pink shirt and a matching shorts that would fit your OOTD (Outfit of the Day). You go downstairs and wanted to ask permission to your mom.

"Mom! Im going to go-"

"Good morning Hyesoo!"

You were shocked when you saw Taehyung and Jungkook again in your living room and the both of them saying 'good morning' to you.

"What are you both doing here again?" You said angrily.

"Oh, you didn't say to me dear that you have two handsome boys to take you out today." Your mom teased you.

"Mom!" You shouted at your mom.

"Well, I don't think you have forgotten our bet. And i want to continue it today since we have no classes." Taehyung said to you.

"I don't care about the bet you made with Taehyung but Im here to walk with you Hyesoo." Jungkook blurted out.

"So shall we?" Taehyung quickly said.

"Ughhhh.. Why do I have to suffer with this two boys? Aiiisshhhh!!" You thought to yourself.

"Mom! Im going to go out with my friends." You said to your mom.

"Okay, take care dear." Your mom replied.

The three of you walked out to your house and walked together. It was pure silent and very awkward so you decided to break the silence.

"Ummm... so.. umm.. W-where do y-you guys want to g-go??  Umm.." you stuttered while saying.

The boys looked at you smirking and felt cute while you said that lines to them. Especially when you started stuttering. You felt embarrased and felt your cheeks turned to red like a tomato.

"Umm guys?" You said nervously to the both of them whom staring at you the whole time.

"Why would you wear that kind of outfit today?" Jungkook said worriedly to you.

"Umm. B-because I thought I would be only the one to go out, and beca-"

"Psssshhhttt! Stop explaining and well be going out and chill, and besides, Hyesoo looks sexy and cute in that outfit Jungkook." Taehyung cutted you. The word "sexy and cute" made you blush.

"Whatever, lets go to a mall first." Jungkook said to you and Taehyung.

The three of you went to a mall and as soon as you've entered, you saw a small store selling yummy icecream. You wanted them to buy you icecream so you've decided to do an aegyo for them to buy you icecream especually Jungkook because he easily falls for your aegyo.

"Jungkook-ahhh, Taehyung -ahhh... Can you buy me icecream pweeaaaseeeee?? Pwease pwease pwease?? Its just over there.. pweaase?"

You said embarrassely. The two boys were shocked to what you've done but also at the same time they felt very cute because of your aegyo. They couldn't help but to smile and buy you icecream.

"Ugghh.. here you go again Hyesoo, your aegyo again. It killed my heart million times already." Jungkook said to you which made you flustered.

"Okay okay, but in one condition." Taehyung said.

"What is it?" You asked him nervously while Taehyung was smirking evilly.

"Call me oppa till the end of the day. If you don't, then I will declare that Im the one who won to our bet."

"WHHHAAATTT?" You and Jungkook shouted together as your eyes widen in shock.

"Ahhhh.. but.. bu-" you said but Taehyung cutted you immediately.

"No buts babygirl! Okay, here! Lets buy you icecream."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Jungkoookkk hellpp meee..." you said to Jungkook who is laughing at your reaction.


Sorry for a short chapter today chinggus! I'll do my best to make the next chapter longer. Bye and saranghae!😘😍👋👋👋

-Authornim Calin💜

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