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"Annabelle what are you doing here?" I say in an annoyed tone

"Look, I'm just here to tell you that you can't come for this party, Nolan told me he was picking you up, but you better not come you get me?, I don't want you to ruin my night" she says in a sassy way

Did this bitch literally come all the way to my house just to tell me that?

"No I didn't, I came here to pick up Blake for the party, and if I see you there you'll regret it..." she threatens

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I say

I really should stop saying things out loud, it'll one day get me into deep shit.

"Yeah, Anyways...I don't expect your ugly face to be there" was the last thing she said before she struts off to Blake's house.

I watch as she rang the door bell and Blake opens the door, I see him smile big and give her a big hug then a kiss of the forehead

Why can't he kiss my forehead like that?

He started to fidget with his fingers and stares at her with adoration in his eyes

Now that's how Blake would act when he had a crush on someone...

I actually thought that maybe he had a crush on me, I guess I was wrong

I sigh and shut the door before heading back up to change into some comfy clothes, the last thing I want is for someone else to hate me

while I was heading up the stairs the doorbell rang, I turned around and opens the door with a bored look on my face, expecting that it was Annabelle again, but this time it was Nolan.

"What's wrong?" Was the first thing he said

I smiled and shook my head " Nothing's wrong,I'm fine" I say

"So...are you ready for the party!" He asks with a smile stretched on his face

"Uh—actually I—Umm, I'm sick?" I say more like a question while fake coughing

But that plan didn't work because Nolan just rolled his eyes at me and pulled me out of the house.

"Honey, that's not going to work on me" he said while he opens the car door for me

I glanced at Blake's house and I saw Annabelle and Blake still standing outside and talking, Blake looked up at me then at Nolan before raising an eyebrow at me

I just ignored him, like he was ignoring me for the past week

I turned around and got into Nolan's car then I smiled up at him.

He returned the gesture before walking to the drivers side and started the ignition then driving off.

I don't need to listen to what Annabelle says, it's my life and I can do whatever the heck I want and she can't stop me.

Nolan started driving to the party

"Who's party is this?" I question

"Oh it's one of my friends parties, his name is Martin" he says


I've heard that name before...

Wait! OH MY GOD he's the same guy that gave me weed brownies when I went to the last party with Rose.


I haven't talked to her in a long time.

Maybe I should text her, I might have luck.

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