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Thank you guys so much for 1k readsss, Ilysmm,it really makes me happy 💕, I'm kind of—really really really—late on this update, sorry, I just had lots of school workkk Xx


"I think I'm starting to like Annabelle" Blake says

I stay silent for a second and I let everything process in my head.

How is that even possible? I though he liked Ava—the way he acted with her, everything—this has to be a joke.

"Are you serious man? You can't possibly like Annabelle, have you seen the way she talks about Ava?, Ava hasn't even done anything to Annabelle" I reason

"Maybe Ava did do something to Annabelle, which is why Annabelle is acting that way with her" he defends


This isn't the Blake I know

"Oh my god, look at what she's doing to you, she changing you Blake, and not in a good way" I groan while running my hand through my hair

"She hasn't done anything to me, for all I know she's changing me for the better" he says

"Are you kidding me?, dude, listen to yourself, this isn't the Blake I know..." I shake my head

"Look...I'm not going to stop you from doing anything, but I'm just letting you know now, Annabelle will bring you into deep shit" I say while slowly turning away and walking back to Rose and Annabelle.

Before I left I heard Blake mumble something about him leaving because he was getting tired 

I sit down next to Rose and told her that we need to go home because it was getting late, we've been here for maybe 2 hours or so.

"Oh, um ok" she says while she starts packing her things and putting it back in her bag.

Annabelle also starts packing her things

"Um, Annabelle?,what are you doing?" I ask her

"Um, what do you think I'm doing, silly, I'm packing my things, you just said we were leaving—" she says in a 'duh' tone

"I said 'we'—as in Rose and I only" I say

"You can come with Blake, he's still in the washroom" I lie

"Okay sure" Annabelle smiles

Before Rose and I left, Rose decided to tie her hair up in a messy bun because it was very hot

"Uh, Rose, that bun doesn't look good on you, no offence" Annabelle gives Rose a tight smile before going back to scrolling on her phone

"Oh, um ok?, I didn't ask for your opinion" Rose whispers while rolling her eyes

"Anyways bye" Rose adds and pulls me to the parking lot

"Ugh that bitch" Rose mumbles

"Rose, I need to tell you something" I say

"What is it?" She asks as she gets into the passengers side of the car, I walk to the drivers side and get in, I start to pull out of the parking lot.

"Blake has a crush on Annabelle" I say calmly

"What?!" She shrieks

" No no no no no, he supposed to like Ava not that grandma" she says

"I don't like Annabelle, that bitch can go die in hell, she had no right to talk to Ava and call her a piece of trash when she did nothing to her, and then she has the guts to just insult the way I look, I didn't even ask for her opinion" she rants

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