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I don't want to go to school today, I really don't. After I kissed Blake on the cheek I feel things would either go really awkward or we might get closer.

But the thing is, why am I making this a big deal? I just kissed him on the cheek, it's not like I asked him to marry me right? Right.

This shouldn't be that bad.

I walk down the stairs and I see Mom, Dad and Sofia sitting on the dinning table eating breakfast.

"Good morning, peeps" I say while I sit down next to Sofia on the dinning table.

"Good morning sweetie, go grab some pancakes, they're on the counter." Mom smiles at me.

I get up from my chair and I walk to the counter and I put two pancakes on my plate, I then cover them in maple syrup before heading back to the table and sitting down.

I start to eat my breakfast but then I start chocking on my food because of what dad says next.

"So your mother told me that you have something going on with this Blake kid, eh?" He smirks

I start coughing and Sofia rubs my back while she giggles.


"Dad, there's nothing going on with us, we're just good friends that's all" I say while I gobble down the last pancake and I take my plate to the sink.

I really don't want to talk about this right now.

The doorbell suddenly right indicating that someone was outside.

"I'll get it" Sofia says while she heads for the door.

"Hey Sofia" I hear Blake's voice.

Why is he here?

I quickly walk to where Sofia was standing, her body leaning against the doorframe of the front door.

"Hey Blake, let me guess you're here for Ava" Sofia smirks.

"Yeah, I was here to—" he was cut off by my Dad

"Blake, son! Come in, we were just talking about you to Ava" my dad says

"Dad!" I yell

This is so embarrassing, someone take me away from here.

"Really?" Blake looks in my direction smirking at me while entering the house and heading straight to where the dining room is.

"Yeah, they were talking about how cute you guys would look together and how—" I quickly shut Sofia up my smacking her on the head then covering her mouth with my hands.


"What do you want?" I add

"Oh I was here to pick you up for school" he smiles, his left cheek dimple on full display.

"This is proving a point on how you guys would be perfect for each other" Sofia's muffled voice comes from behind my hand.

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