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I hear a knock on the door, so I get up from the sofa and walk to the door and open it.

In front of me I see Rose and Conner.

I did not expect them to come over, not after they were spending all that time with Annabelle and they completely left me out

"Hey?" I say a little bit confused

"Ava I am so so so so sorry, I didn't realise how Annabelle was being suck a bitch to you, and me being the horrible dumb friend that I am, I completely left you out, I am truly sorry Ava, please forgive me" Rose says while giving me a tight hug

Um okay?

"Yeah, we are truly sorry Ava, we realised how we left you out and we came here to apologise to you, if you don't forgive us, we totally understand why" Conner adds in.

"Guys, this is really sweet of you, but what made you realise that she was being a bitch?" I ask

"At the beach she kept on calling you names, so I got kind of confused as to why she would do that, and then it clicked, she was jealous of you, so she wanted to take everything that was yours from you" Rose explained

"Oh" I simply say

"Any who, come in" I add

Rose and Conner enter the house and go straight for the living room, while I go to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"You guys want anything to eat?" I ask from the kitchen

"No thanks" they both reply

I come back in the living room with a bowl of popcorn and I sit down next to Rose.

"Can I have some?" Conner ask while digging his hand into my bowl of popcorn

"Sure" I say while rolling my eyes

"So tell me, what did you guys do for the whole 2 weeks without me" I ask

"Well, Annabelle kept on making different plans with us, and we kept on accepting them" Rose said

"Oh ok" I say

"Anything interesting you guys know?" I ask

"Ava, I have a question, and you need to be one hundred percent honest, okay?" Conner says suddenly


"Do you like Blake?" He ask

"Uh pfft, what are you talking about? Of course not!" I say very fast

"Ava, no need to lie" Rose says

"Ugh, fine maybe a little bit, it's just a crush, it'll go away" I say

"Why did you ask though?" I say

"Uh, well...Blake told me that he likes Annabelle today..." Conner says in a low voice

"Oh.." was all I said, honestly it does hurt a little bit, but I can deal with it...hopefully

"I am so sorry Ava" Rose says while giving me another hug

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