He Asks You Out

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You were sitting in the classroom, you were in detention (again) because you and a group of the boy had decided to prank Iruka-Sensei. You sat there and tapped your writing tool against the desk as you looked around. You sighed as you looked around at everything in the room. A lot of what was there had something to do with ninja. Different jutsu hand signs, simple jutsus you should know before you graduate. All these things that you found semi useless. All of these things were just to meet your goal.

"Hey, (Y/N), you want to go get some ramen after we get out of here?" You heard from behind you. You turned to see the blonde knuckle head with his arms behind his head, trying to play off the cool and relaxed character, but what gave him away from a the red tint the was coloring his cheek.

"Sure Naruto, ramen sounds really good. Ichiraku's right?" You asked and looked into shocked ocean blue eyes as he simply nodded. "Great I'll meet you there!" You said and then walked out of the room as you detention ended.


You were on the training grounds, yet again as you started to throw your kunei at some targets that had been set up. You looked around the room and then sighed as you felt a chakra presence behind you. You sighed softly and then bit your lip because you knew exactly who that chakra belonged to. You picked up one of your shuriken and then turned and threw the small tool at the person behind you, who caught the tool between two fingers at his throat.

"You weren't fast enough (Y/N)." You heard the ravenette say as you rolled your eyes and smirked at him as you grabbed a second and threw it, this time with more speed, causing it to graze the hair of the male.

"You were saying?" You asked faking innocence as you went and picked up the rest of your things. He cleared his throat to catch you attention, but you chose to simply ignore him for a moment. You heard a shruriken hit the tree above your head. You stood up and looked at the male with a raised eyebrow.

"Go out with me tomorrow night?" He asked and you pretended to think before nodding at him.

"As long you take me to get some dango at some point." You said, watching him sweat drop.


You were sitting under your tree, reading a books as you listened to the sounds of the wind and then leaves around you and smiled softly to yourself as you felt the presence of one of the only other people that came to this spot frequently. You looked up from the book and looked at the dark haired male above you as you smiled.

"Hey Shika-chan." You drawled lazily as you closed the book and then looked at the board in his hand, knowing exactly what it was in there.

"Do you wanna play with me?" He asked, but you knew him well enough to know that this was his way of asking you out. Neither of you were the type to actually go out and do something.

"Yeah, you know I love a good game of shogi." You said and he sat, the two of you setting up the game to play.


You walked into the vet office to see Hana, you smiled and waved before walking to the back, going to (D/N) kennel, carefully picking him/her up. You kissed the little puppies head and then walked to the play room that was there so you could play with the little puppy who was hitting all of the milestones he was supposed to be and was becoming the fat little thing he was supposed to be.

"Hey (Y/N), how's the puppy doing?" You looked back at a smiling Kiba and happy Akamaru who ran up to you and licked your fingers happily as you pet him. You giggled and then explained everything to Kiba who sat next to you and talked to you while you watched the two dogs play together. They were already best friends. "(Y/N)? Would you.... maybe... want to go out with me sometime?"

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