How You Change/Moving On

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The break up shifted something inside of  you.  Naruto was a light to your life and when he was gone, you didn't know how to cope with the loss.  You became a walking zombie, waking up and going to missions, but they weren't your best missions even as they got done. You didn't leave your house, let alone your room very often because you didn't want to see your friends because they were all mutual with Naruto.

After a couple months, you trained harder and grew faster than anyone could have ever imagined, you trained like your life depended on you being the strongest that you could possibly be.  You cut out every thing that made you weak or switching them into something that would make you strong.  EVentual moving up from a genin to a chunin without the exams and from there you became a part of the ANBU Blackops.

After you became more and more busy you put Naruto and your relationship to the back of your mind.  You would say that you had moved on, but whenever he was brought up you felt the wound open back up, so you avoided the topic of him wherever you went.  This caused you to cut out all of your mutual friends, nothing ending on bad terms, but you didn't care or want to talk about Naruto nor did you want to talk about Sasuke.  Words could never describe how much you loathed Sasuke because of what he had done to Naurto.

As time moved on, your heart grew more calloused.  You learned a lot from the feeling of betrayal you felt from Naruto when he left you.  You were able to block out so many feelings and it made you close to a perfect killer.  Now you just waited for the day when Sasuke was finally declared a missing Nin so that you could add him to your Bingo book.  You would get your revenge on him for what he did to you.


You were questioned for hours while Naruto, Shikarmaru, Neji, Kiba, and Choji went after him and the group that was delivering him to Orochimaru.  You answered the questions honestly and as much as you could.  After hours you finally snapped and told them everything through a massive blow out and then stormed out of the building, leaving the group that questioned you in shock.  

You watched the group be brought back from fighting and they all look miserable.  You shook your head as you looked at them.  Those poor, miserable souls, chasing after someone who didn't want to be found.  Chasing after someone who wanted nothing more than to take out his brother, stooping as low as letting someone who is pruning him to take over his body to train him.  A fire started within you that day, you would not shut people out the way that he did.  You wouldn't change much about who you were, but if you needed help you were going to ask.

So you trained, made bonds with people so you understood what it was like to have strong bonds with people so that you knew what he didn't.  You trained with friends and learned more techiniques and jutsus than you would have learned if you had been alone.  You tried to be friends with Sakura, but she just couldn't look past the fact that Sasuke had dated you first and she was too jealous, so you gave up on being her friend.

You became a chunin after the first exams, selected because of your skill and the way that you focused during them, even though you had not been the strongest, you had passed as far as you could before the attack because of wit and strategy.  So you moved up and up, quickly becoming a jounin and becoming a crucial part.  It wasn't long before you were given a group or genin to train.

As far as it came to moving on, you couldn't really tell.  Sasuke was pushed so far to the back of your mind as you excelled, you had nothing to worry about and you didn't even know how to move on from him.  You didn't care if he came back to the village or not, leaving was his choice, but you knew deep down that he was the person you had wanted to live your life with, grow old with, and now he was gone.  You didn't know if your heart was ever going to heal from that wound, and you didn't know if he was coming back, but you always had a feeling that so far he was okay.

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