Those Flowers Were From Your Stalker

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Minhyuk held the door open for me and followed me in, carrying some of the shopping bags I had. The others had gone home because they had things to do, but Minhyuk cancelled his plans to make sure that I got home safe and he wanted to talk to Jimin about something.

He still hadn't told me why we had to go home and I was going to ask Jimin about it. Not that he would tell me because he didn't tell me anything. He hardly spoke to me most days so talking to him would be like talking to a brick wall.

"Hana," Jimin said as I stepped further into the house. He jumped from the sofa and ran over to me, hugging me tightly "I was so worried"

"About what?" I mumbled, rubbing my swollen belly "I was with friends since you chose to go to work on your day off"

Jimin sighed "Baby I'm sorry. I just wanted to practice"

"Like always," I said stepping away from him "I'm tired. I'm going to lay down for a bit"

"Wait, Hana," Jimin said "I have to talk to you about something. It's important"

"Fine," I said walking around him to the sofa "Fire away"

Minhyuk handed me a bottle of water "Put your feet up. You don't want your ankles to swell"

"How do you know so much about pregnancy?" I asked as he lifted my feet onto the table.

"Because my best friend is pregnant and I need to look after her" He smiled at me "Plus, you've been walking around for a while so you need to put your feet up"

"Thanks" I smiled and Jimin sat down beside me "So...what is so important that I needed to come home?"

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck "I wanted to say sorry. For going into work on my day off. Yoongi already yelled at me for making an appearance"

"Good. Did he sharpen his knives this time?"

"Jungkook pulled him back" Jimin sighed "Baby, I'm sorry. For being a shit husband"

"Why was I told to come back home? I was enjoying myself"

"I think you have a stalker"

I looked at him with disbelief and I couldn't help but laugh, but when his facial expression didn't change, my heart dropped into my stomach.

"It's alright because I will make sure that you are looked after"

"Why would anyone want to stalk me?" I asked, "I'm plain and-"

"Shut up Hana," Minhyuk said "Just listen to him and you are not plain. You are better than any other girl out there. As your best friend, I am allowed to tell you to shut the fuck up"

"Jimin, how can I have a stalker? I don't go out!" I said "I don't exactly catch the attention of men or women. Are you sure I have one?"

"I'm sure," Jimin said "Those flowers were from your stalker"

"They could have been for you"

Jimin shook his head "I'm telling you, Hana, you have a stalker and those flowers were not for me. The note has your name on it"

I sighed and rubbed my face "I don't need this right now. How did they find out where I live?"

Jimin lifted his eyebrow at me "Hana, it's called a stalker for a reason and it's not exactly secret that we live around here"

I glanced at my belly "Do you think they know I'm pregnant?"

"I'm not sure," Jimin said "Probably not. Most of the haters just think you're fat but no one has caught on that you are pregnant. You wear loose clothes and stay out of the public eye. Apart from today so I hope that you were careful"

"We were," Minhyuk said "Don't worry, no one took a sly picture of your wife"

"We need to make sure that our security is upped," Jimin said "I want to make sure that no one hurts you or scares you"

"This is just ridiculous" I sighed "Why would I have a stalker? I'm not an idol"

"You are" Jimin smiled and put his hand on my cheek "You're married to one but you are a role model to loads of people now. Plus you have your own clothing line now"

I groaned "That wasn't my choice! You and your band talked me into it. Anyway, Jungkook is the one that made it famous. He wears the clothes and improves on what I draw. Considering I can't draw and I was originally meant to become a lawyer"

"I'm glad you didn't become a lawyer," Minhyuk said "Because we would see you even less than we first did when you studied"

"I'm going to call my manager," Jimin said getting to his feet "I'll make sure that everything is sorted out before we leave on Friday"

"Are you sure you are taking the day off?" I said, narrowing my eyes at him "I'm not finding the gender of the baby if you aren't there"

"I'll be there," Jimin said "I promise. We've agreed to stop practising at midday and I can get home in time for us to eat and then head to the hospital"

"I would have preferred for you not to work"

"We have a show the next day. I have to practice" Jimin said "Ask Minhyuk to sit with you during the day so you aren't alone"

"Or she can just go with you?" Minhyuk said looking at Jimin like he was an idiot "I have to practice as well and she is your wife"

"Shit," Jimin said "Sorry baby. I'm just not's that damn stalker you have. He's distracting me"

"How do you know if it's a man?" I asked "It could be a woman"

"Shit. Not I'm going to worry even more!" Jimin said running his hand through his hair "If the stalker is a girl and she tries to attack you, I'm going to have to punch her and then-"

"If anyone is going to punch someone, it will be the bodyguards you have," I said "No one is going to try and hurt me Jimin"

I may have said that but I didn't really believe it.

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