I'm Hungry And Baby Is Kicking

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I sat with Yoongi as the police followed Jimin upstairs to the bedroom. I still felt sick at what I had been sent and Jungkook put a cup of tea in my hands before sitting down.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked, "Did you want anything? I can cook you something"

I shook my head "No. I'm fine, thank you"

"I don't understand people that send things like that," Yoongi said, "It's disgusting and to send it to a pregnant lady makes them seem even crazier"

"Jimin thinks it's a stalker," I said, "They've sent me flowers before but sending me that is awful,"

"Hopefully they will catch whoever done it," Jungkook said, "Namjoon said that you should get more bodyguards just in case they are following you,"

"Following me?" I said, "Oh no. Is that why they know where I live? What if they try to break into the hospital when I'm-"

"Don't worry," Yoongi said, smacking the back of Jungkook's head "Don't worry. No one is following you. This could just be a sick joke from a jealous fan. We all have crazy fans that we don't want to be around"

"Like the one that gave me a marriage certificate and said that if I don't sign it, she'd kill herself. She was crazy," Jungkook said.

"Or the fan that said she would kill Jimin so they could be together in death," Yoongi sighed "But don't worry. No one will kill Jimin. I'd have to slap a bitch if they tried. Chim Chim is too precious"

I smiled and heard the police coming back down the stairs, holding the box that was sent to me. I felt my stomach roll but I managed to hold back nausea. Jimin walked over to me and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet and kissed my forehead.

"They want to talk to you. Is that alright?" He asked and I nodded "Let me know if it gets too much. Ok?"

I let him walk me to the kitchen and he sat me down, standing beside me. The police got a notepad out and started asking me questions.

"Do you know anyone that would send you something like this?" He asked, "An old boyfriend, ex-friend or family member?"

I shook my head "I don't have many ex-boyfriends and they wouldn't do something like this. And as for friends, they would scream if they saw a spider"

"What about your sister?" He asked, "Do you think she is capable of doing this?"

"Eujin is probably capable of many things," I sighed "But this? I don't know. I wouldn't have thought of her if I'm honest,"

The policeman nodded "Well, we will get back to you and try our best to track down who did this. For now, any deliveries that arrive, please call this number and we will send someone to open it for you, just in case"

"Thank you,"

"Mrs Park, please don't let this stop you from carrying on with your life," He said, "You need to keep up with your daily routine and try not to worry too much about this"

"Thank you," Jimin said, "I'll show you to the door"

Jimin came back with a grim expression and he hugged me, kissing the top of my head. I hugged him back and he sighed.

"Did you still want to go out?" Jimin asked, "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable"

"It's fine," I said, "I can't stay here. The policeman is right. I need to carry on,"

"Are you sure?" Jimin said, "I can-"

"I'm sure," I said, "Anyway, I'm hungry and baby is kicking me"

Jimin laughed "Alright. I think the boys want to come with us. Is that alright?"

I nodded  "Jungkook said he would buy us a cot and Yoongi said he would get the pram"

"Awesome," Jimin said kissing me gently "I'll pick the most expensive ones then"

"They wouldn't have brought cheap ones anyway," I sighed "They have already told me that when our baby is born, that it is getting the most expensive clothing around. Taehyung has already planned on what Gucci clothes to buy"

Jimin rolled his eyes "I know. He has shown me the t-shirt already and I think he has already ordered them. Just to let you know, that the boys are going to be spoiling the baby"

I smiled "I know. They are going to be amazing uncles,"

"And you are going to be an amazing mum," Jimin said kissing me again but it clearly went on too long for Jungkook and Yoongi because they told us to save it for when they weren't around.

"Get your shoes on," Yoongi said to Jimin "I'm bored already and I need to get this pram,"

"I'm going to pick the best cot ever," Jungkook said, "I'm so excited that I might piss myself,"

"Please don't," Jimin said helping me into a jacket "We are getting something to eat first. Hana is hungry,"

"She is always hungry," Yoongi grinned "Kinda like Jin really"

I giggled and nodded "He called earlier. He is coming round to cook me dinner,"

"Just you?" Jimin said opening the front door "That's unfair,"

"She's pregnant," Jungkook said, "She deserves to be spoilt and Jin cooks better than you,"

"I'm not that bad," Jimin muttered and held my hand "Am I, babe? I cook you breakfast all the time"

"Maybe so," Yoongi said, "But is it any good? Are the eggs cooked?"

"Obviously!" Jimin exclaimed "I can't feed raw eggs to my wife,"

"Hana," Jungkook asked, "Can he cook now? Or is he just trying to show-off that he gets to cook breakfast for his wife?"

"Don't be so jealous of my beautiful wife," Jimin said pushing Jungkook "It isn't showing off. Maybe you should get yourself a girlfriend. Namjoon has one,"

"Yes, but I don't want a girlfriend," Jungkook said, "I like being single and we haven't even met Namjoon's girlfriend. I think he is embarrassed by us,"

"I don't blame him," Yoongi said, "It's not like we are normal. I mean, I am, but you lot? I'm not so sure. Jimin still can't cook toast properly"

"I can cook toast!" Jimin said, "Babe, tell them that the last breakfast I made you was nice,"

I sighed and the lift reached the bottom floor "The breakfast was lovely,"

"See. I told you,"

"For a bowl of cereal,"

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