I Can't Do This Anymore

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Jimin opened the door to his band members and they pushed him out of the way to give me a hug.

"How are you?" Jin asked, "Have you been eating properly?"

"I eat, don't worry,"

"You didn't say properly so now I'm worrying,"

"Where is my little nephew?" Taehyung said, "I am in need of some cuddles,"

"Sleeping," Jimin said, "Don't wake him up,"

"Yeah, yeah,"

"Ok. So if he is hungry, there is expressed milk in the-"

"In the fridge," Hoseok said, "There is food for us if we get hungry and his nappy changing stuff is by the sofa,"

"If he wants cuddles, give him cuddles," Jungkook said, "And if he is sleeping don't wake him up,"

"If we don't know what to do then we can call," Yoongi said.

"Why do you know so much?" Jimin asked.

"Because we have been more involved than you but that isn't much of a surprise," Namjoon said, "Go talk to her and don't make her cry,"

Jimin clenched his jaw, "We will be upstairs if you need us,"

I couldn't help but feel sad when I was at Jimin's. Even though I had some horrible memories of this place, they had improved dramatically and we had so much fun with each other. Always messing around, me telling him off for not tidying up after himself or for not going to bed when I told him to. And I missed that.

A lot of people thought I was stupid for not hearing him out but I was so hurt. It felt like my heart had been crushed and he didn't make an effort for me. I couldn't be chasing him for answers when I had a newborn to look after.

"Jimin," I said as he put a tea in front of me, "I don't want to be away from Jihun for too long,"

"Of course," He said sitting down, "I understand. I just...I need to say sorry for what I have put you through. Please, let me talk. I need to explain what happened,"

I nodded and swallowed the painful lump in my throat.

"I know you don't like me mentioning your sister but she is the reason why this has happened and I should have chased after you," He said, "I know why Eujin ran away. It was because she was pregnant and she was scared,"

"What?" I whispered.

"I don't know if it was mine or if it was the guy she ran away with but she was still pregnant and scared. Now, I'm not standing up for her. At all. I can't stand her," He said, "Eujin kissed me because she is terrified of her ex-lover. She said that he became possessive and abusive, so the only reason why she kissed me was so to leave her alone,"

"Somehow I don't believe that," I said, "Eujin has always been manipulative and manages to get people to see her views. When we were in school, she lied about a teacher trying to kiss her and he got fired. Soon after, she admitted that she lied and the only reason why she said that was because he didn't give her a good grade. And look at what has happened to me. My sister used to physically abuse me but my parents always thought it was the other way round. When clearly I was the one covered in bruises and scratch marks. Do you honestly think that she kissed you for that reason?"

"Hana, I-"

"And even if it was for those reasons, you should have told me then and there, instead of watching me run off crying," I said, trying not to get angry, "You ignored me for days and when I watched the news, you were seen having dinner with her, having fun and completely forgot that your pregnant wife was having a hard time dealing with being betrayed,"

"I know," Jimin sighed, "But I promise you that nothing else has happened. I love you, Hana and I don't care how long it takes, I want you back in my life. I want to be the family we should be. I love you and Jihun. I want to-"


My blood ran cold as I saw Eujin walking down the stairs in one of Jimin's t-shirts. I looked back at Jimin whose eyes were wide and I felt myself shaking with anger.

"A family," I whispered and stood up, "You want to be a family but she is still here?"

"I've asked her to leave and-"

"You stupid bitch!" I yelled as Eujin got closer, "Is your life that fucking pathetic that you have to ruin everyone else's? I finally thought I was free of your manipulative behaviour but here we are. Once again you have ruined everything! I was finally happy and finally confident with how I was but you are like a fucking boomerang! You think you get rid of it but it always comes back for more. Is your life that boring and unfulfilling or are you that jealous of my happiness that you just have to destroy it?"

"What is wrong with you?" Eujin said.

"Why can't you just destroy your own life without having to hurt everyone else on the way?" I hissed, "You are more psychotic than I thought. You should have a straight jacket on and thrown into a padded cell! No wonder you can't find someone who will love you for who you are. You are a god, damn nutcase!"

Eujin burst into tears and I scowled at Jimin.

"Ok," Jimin said, "Enough. Eujin, you need to tell her the truth. Tell her exactly what you told me and then-"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Eujin sniffed and wiped her eyes, "Tell her what truth?"

"Eujin, I'm-"

"Just hurry up and get rid of her. You told me during sex last night that she wasn't worth your time anymore," She said and my eyes went wide, "Jimin, you said that as soon as the divorce was settled we could move on and be happy. That thing that you gave birth to was an unfortunate mistake,"

"Eujin, why did you say that?"

"Ok," I said stepping back, "You win. I...I can't do this anymore. I have no energy to save this marriage. Eujin, once again you've ruined my life. I wish you both happiness and...I...I have to go now,"

Tears were streaming down my face and I rushed downstairs with Jimin chasing after me. I reached my door but I was hit into the wall. I looked up and Eujin's eyes were raging. She slapped me hard around the face and I shoved her off.

"You ruin everything!" She screamed in my face, "Jimin should have never been with you! He was meant to be with me but you came along and brainwashed him into thinking he loved you! You bitch! You took everything from me!"

"Get off me!" I screamed and my front door opened, "What is wrong with you? Stop hitting me!"

"Just die!" Eujin yelled and slammed her hands against my chest, knocking me backwards.

A gasp shot out of my mouth as I felt no floor behind me and I went flying down the stairs. I felt my head hitting the floor and that was it.

Nothing else.

Just darkness.

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