Save The Kissy-Kissy Stuff

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I yawned loudly and Jimin stuck his finger in my mouth, making me yelp. He laughed and kissed my nose before carrying on tidying up. I couldn't help but smile at him cleaning but it had taken him over a year to do it without me. I was surprised that he remembered where the hoover was and he even cleaned the cupboard out, getting rid of the spiders that had made their way back in there.

I was sitting on the sofa with my feet up watching a film. I said I would help but then he complained saying that a pregnant wife's job was to sit down and relax. I didn't argue because my back was hurting badly and I needed all the rest I could get.

My baby shower was in a few hours and the girls were coming round. I needed the energy to deal with them. Moonbyul had messaged me at 1 in the morning saying that they were coming from practice and they were hyper. They were always hyper and sleep didn't make that any better for them. I felt bad for them because they needed rest but I guess being an idol, rest was hard to find.

I understood that first hand because Jimin was always on the go. He rarely had time off and was constantly at the studio either recording or dancing. The band were always tired and even though they didn't want to admit it, they were stressed out. I did my best to make sure they relaxed when they were around me and they argued with me, but I didn't back down. It was funny to see the boys so scared when I picked up a wooden spoon but they quickly backed down and let me cook for them.

"Baby," Jimin said walking towards me "What is this?"

I held in a sigh "That's window cleaner,"

"Oh," He said looking at the bottle, "So, it can't clean the cooker?"


He smiled slightly "I'm joking. I...I'm not joking. I thought it was cooker cleaner and when I started to clean, it just didn't work,"

I sighed and struggled to get to my feet "A little help here, please,"

Jimin smiled and pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me "You are so beautiful,"

"Out the way, Jimin," I said, "You do know the cooker cleaner has that written on it, right?"

"I grabbed the first bottle I saw," He grinned, "Sorry baby. I'll clean it and you can stand there and watch your sexy husband use his muscles to clean,"

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the kitchen "Jimin?"

"Yes baby," He said as he wiped the rest of the window cleaner from the cooker.

"What did you spray the floor with?"

"Um, this," He said handing me furniture polish, "It said it-"

"If you slip over that isn't down to me," I said, "This can't be used for floors,"

"But it said it can be used on...oh. Yeah. You're right," He laughed nervously "Oops. Shit, don't throw that at me!"

"I wasn't going to but since you suggested it," I said tossing it into the air and he snatched it away from me "You'll need to wash the floor so no one slips over,"

"You are so smart it puts Namjoon to shame," He grinned, "Sorry. I'll do better next time,"

The doorbell went and Jimin opened the door to my excited friends. They said a quick hello to Jimin and ran over to me.

"Hana!" Solar sang and I stared at the boxes in her hand "Don't worry about this. This is for baby,"

"Oh," I said, "I don't think-"

"This is a baby shower," Wheein said dropping boxes on the sofa next to me "Hwasa has the presents for you,"

"They are the best presents ever," Hwasa said, "You won't have to worry about buying pregnancy things because your girls have you covered,"

I smiled and they sat down. Moonbyul dropped some more things next to me and pulled me to my feet to give me a hug. The girls then pounced and hugged me as well.

"So, when are you going to open the presents?" Moonbyul asked.

"We've just got here," Hwasa said, lifting her eyebrow "And Jimin is still here. This is girls only,"

I looked at Jimin who sighed "He can stay if he wants,"

"No," Solar said folding her arms "Girls only,"

"Alright!" Jimin said walking towards the stairs "I'll go see the boys,"

I sat back down and Hwasa tried to fight Moonbyul to give me the first present. I rolled my eyes and Jimin patted me on the head. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I'll be back in a few hours," He said, "The boys have presents for you as well,"

"They've done enough,"

Jimin shrugged "They want to spoil you and the baby. Taehyung said that he has the best present and I have a feeling they are arguing over it now. Namjoon messaged me and told me to hurry up,"

"As long as it isn't handmade cakes," I said.

"I don't think Jin will let him cook ever again," He said and kissed me on the lips quickly "Don't answer the door to anyone,"

"Save the kissy-kissy stuff for later," Wheein said, "You're making us jealous that you can kiss her and we can't,"

"Whatever," Jimin muttered and he left.

"I'm ordering pizza," Hwasa said picking up her phone, "Our manager said we can eat what we want today as long as we train harder next time,"

"Did you ask Hana what she wanted?" Solar asked, "Anyway, here. Open this one first,"

"I'm ok with pizza," I said and I pulled the bow away from the box. I pulled the lid off and looked down at the t-shirt in there. I pulled it out and unfolded it, just to start laughing "Really?"

"I think she likes it," Moonbyul grinned, "Well, try it on!"

I shuffled forward on the sofa and got to my feet, and wandered to the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh again and I came back out making the girls laugh as well.

"It's so perfect!" Hwasa clapped her hands, "You look so cute!"

"I am so putting this up on Instagram," Moonbyul said, "Pose,"

"Please don't," I said.

"Let me have the photo with her," Hwasa said running forward and Solar stood on my other side.

"Can you shrink a bit please?" Solar asked, "Who asked you to be taller than us?"

I smiled and the camera flashed "Hey! I wasn't ready"

"You still look beautiful," Moonbyul said showing me the picture "Jimin is going to hate us for this top,"

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